How things work

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Bad influences of a human to another human...most victims sees how badly they are treated, but some who gets trapped cannot open their eyes to what they really feel...

Unless, there’s someone who will do help them to
get away from it.

A sketch of Y/n I drew, so you would imagine a face ;

‎A sketch of Y/n I drew, so you would imagine a face ;

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Y/n’s POV

I’m not really a person who’s got real good talent, but since I got accepted in this Academy that only accepts talented students, I shouldn’t complain about it. But my anxiety keeps telling me “ What if they judge me?”, “ What if I’m the only one who doesn’t graduate here..?” and any what if’s a nervous person could say. So I basically just tried to think things like, “ It’s not like I’m going to die aye. ” But I’m the quiet type so I always feel awkward. Then I proceeded to go inside the school, but suddenly, I got dizzy and passed out of nowhere at the entrance.

I woke up in a gymnasium, my gadgets and  devices are missing. They were literally with me, so I panicked...then I saw a guy, who is still sleeping, and he somehow looks creepy because of the mask he is wearing. But I mean, he is  f i n e. But I’m just gonna shut up. And since he’s the only one who is here, I waited, and didn’t go outside.

Then not long after, he woke up and looked at me, and I just bowed my head a little, without leaving any words. I mean, it is awkward. Then my thoughts got interrupted when he said,

“ Hello there. It seems like we are the only ones strange. ”

I looked at him and responded,

“ Yeah...should we wait for others or something..? I mean, it is impossible if there’s only the two of us in this Academy..I know that’s obvious but— ”

Before I say something embarassing again, he cutted me off with,

“ I suppose we should check the other rooms. ”

I just nodded without making an eye contact with him, and proceeded to go out of the gymnasium, but we can’t open the door. We’ve tried every trick we can, examined them, but nothing opened the door. If only I got some device here...

So we waited and waited until others just keep going inside until there’s already 15 of us.

While we were all inside the gymnasium, other students just talks to each other, and...I’ve got no one to talk to, also that mask guy doesn’t have anyone to talk to, so I just kept silent.

So as a little time go, two more students arrived. I looked at the guy with a hat in relief, because I’ve atleast interacted with him at my old school, when we both became project partners for days, thoughhh I can’t really call him a friend. Then surprisingly, he looked at me and came up to me and said in a awkward tone, “ Heyy, it’s nice that there’s someone here that I know. Nice meeting you again..hehe ” and I responded with “ y-yeah, Shuichi..nice meeting you. ” and because of this, he’s the one I only go to.

Then suddenly, someone in the speaker spoke, and told us about the killing game and all. After he said those, they all proceeded to go outside, but the doors aren’t opening.

Since we are all know about this killing game, they all started trying figure out how to get out of this place. Shuichi and Kaede are talking about the risks about opening the door, until the mask guy said that it is pointless talking about the doors, because he and me already examined them, and they are probably interested in who he is so he later on introduced himself with,

“ My name is Korekiyo Shinguji...I am called the Ultimate Anthropologist. You may address me as Kiyo. ”

“ Woah...Korekiyo..clean...the way he talks is formal..he must have a good vocabulary..that’s cool. ” I mumbled to myself while looking at him. He is only 3 meters away from me by the way. “ I heard that. I appreciate your compliment, Miss..? ”

“ ...Y/n Kawaguchi. Ultimate hacker. ” I said. Gosh, that was embarassing I should’ve just said that in my thoughts.. “ Your talent is highly admirable and can be used in most circumstances even now, Miss Y/n. ” he responded, which got me flustered. “ Ohhh you may be a useful thing! ” says that little cute dude with a purple hair. But I’m not a I just answered him with, “ I have no device with me right now? ” then someone interrupted,

“ Device you say? I have seen a bag full of it when I was cleaning a classroom. Here. ” then I got relieved because my things are here now and I said, “ Thank you so muchh, you’re very kindd ” “ It is no problem, Y/n. ” she responded. So I got my bag, put out the device I need, and started to do the thing that I was thinking. The doors have an electric security on them, so it is easy for me. I hacked the securities of the door one by one so we could decide with door we would go to.

“ Woahh! You’re interesting! ” says the cutie guy with purple hair again. I felt shy so I just said thank you in a very low voice without eye contacting with him. And I bet he could hear it, soo whatevah.

Korekiyo’s POV

As I watch Y/n hack the doors, she was just amazing. I mean, it might be a common thing for people to do, especially in this generation, but it’s still satisfying to watch people doing it. After she finished I somehow wanted to say “ That’s an amazing job you did, Y/n. I praise your talent. ” but the purple haired guy said something first, so I just kept quiet and didn’t say what I wanted to say.

I was thinking of things, when my nee-san inside me said, “ My sweet Korekiyo..getting amazed by a girl? You would not exchange me for someone, right? I love you.. ” then I mumbled, “ Ofcourse I won’t, nee-san. It doesn’t mean I care for her or love’re the only person I love and care for..

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