Just the talking

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I turned my TV and picked up the phone.

"Hello" I say into the phone rather nervously.
"Hey Cass, it's Caleb."
"Hi, what's up?" I ask
"I'm just thinking about you, you know" Caleb says softly.
This sentence made me blush. Guys don't notice me. Especially super hot soccer players like Caleb. It just didn't seem right and it never would.
Then I remembered Caleb was a flirt
"I thought for sure you wouldn't call me because you'd be out with your lady friend." As soon as I said that, I regretted it.
"Hun, I keep my promises. I'm done with her bullshit. I told you I was breaking up with her and that's exactly what I did. I'm so tired of feeling bad about doing anything. She only wanted me for my body and I need someone who loves me for me and not because I have abs. No, that's not what I want out of a girl. I need true love and if I have to wait for it I will."
There was a moment of silence that had to have been ten seconds but It felt like forever. I didn't know what too say.
"Please don't tell anyone anything I just said. If word gets around I'll get beat. Literally." He started laughing.
Man his laugh was sexy.
Before I could stop myself, I burst out laughing. Of course I have the worst laugh a girl could have.
He started to laugh back quite loudly and I immediately felt embarrassed and uncomfortable. I waited for him and I to wrap up the mini laughing session and for him to say something. If he said anything.
"I have to tell you cassidy... you have the cutest laugh I've ever heard."
"Are you kidding me?" I asked surprised.
"Umm no, I think it's freaking adorable and it just made my night."
"Thank you, I think." I say while laughing.
"Too cute." Caleb speaks up.
There's another awkward moment where neither of us speak.
"You're blushing." Caleb says excitedly.
"Wait, what?" I say.
"You're blushing and don't try telling me you aren't."
"I'm n-"
"Ehhh, I said don't try. you can admit it... it's cool. I'm cool." He laughs at himself.
"Don't worry," He says. "I won't tell anyone your into me."
I blushed again and let out a half laugh type noise. He laughs back at me.
"So how's the arm and wrist?" Caleb finally asks me.
"Broken, that's for sure." I say sadly.
"Awwe, really hun?"
"Yess, even got a purple cast to prove it." I say quietly because it's getting rather late.
"I really am so sorry about Amanda. She does have some serious problems and she needs help. But I still don't believe you. Get a piece of paper and a pen." He instructs me.
"Because when we hang up you are going to send me a picture of this so called cast and prove it and to do that you're going to need my number aren't you?"
"Mhmm" I mumble
"679-440-7814. Got it?"
"Indeed." I say.
" did you just say indeed?"
"I certainly did caleb. Is there a problem?"
" no babe, I love it."
There go's my face again. Good thing no one's here to see it turn bright red. I've never been called babe before.
"So what's your real name Cass?"
"Cassidy" I reply.
" no, I want it all. All three of them"
"If you must know, it's Cassidy Rose McLoughlin."
" beautiful." He says what in what seams to be a nervous voice. "Like you."
It's silent and I have no idea what to say. Was it a joke or did he mean it?
"Umm" I try to say something
"Please don't hang up!" He speaks fast
"I won't, I promise."
"Look, what I'm trying to say is that you don't know this but I've sort of had my eyes on you for a while now and I really want to start talking to you more. Your so funny and easy going, and damn, you're beautful. I'm go night to be 100 percent honest with you and that's how I feel at this moment."
"If we're being honest I guess I'll let you in on a little something too." I pause nervously.
He can sense it. You can tell me anything and I want you to know that. You don't have to be nervous.
" I guess I've always thought you were a little way to attractive and I guess you can call it a crush. But I can't get you. I mean, look at yourself then back at me." I say, feeling free from myself. It kind of felt good to let it out.
Even though I didn't know Caleb inside and out, I knew he would be one of very few people I can trust. I really liked that about him.
"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I told you you were into me!"
We both start laughing.
"Okay, maybe a little. But as if now that's it."
"For now" He says. " for now."
My train of of thought stops for literally the one millionth time in the past hour.
" I think it's really cute when you stop talking because you don't know what to say. I love it."
"Why?, I just don't get certain parts of you."
"Because I do. I feel like we can really make something out of this and I'm excited to see what's too come."
"You know, somethings wrong here. You're a varsity soccer player, cuter then hell, telling me I'm cute. This isn't right. I think you think I'm someone else."
"No Cassidy Rose, you're exactly who I think you are." Caleb says in deep sleepy voice. You just think it's wierd because you feel like you don't know me that well and I don't know you but I know way more then you think."

I sit on my bed trying to comprehend everything he's said to me and I soon realize I would never understand what he saw in me.

" I want to know everything Cassidy. Your hobbies, your favorite things, your worst fears. Everything. I promise I'll tell you mine after."

I honestly couldn't resist telling him because nobody ever asked me anything, but he did. He was actually interested and weather he cared or not I was going tell him. I wasn't going to lose a friend like him already.

"Well, I play field hockey and I do cheerleading too. My favorite color is mint green. I love cats and Llamas. I love cake and laffy taffy. And I'm a nerd with good grades that loves to read and write. I'm terrified of dying. I know, stupid."
" I obviously play soccer, I also like to read. I love chocolate chip cookies, and I want to be a truma surgeon. I guess you might also want to know I find girls who actually use their brains irresistible."

Caleb and I continued to talk for hours. I learned a lot about him and was very surprised about the things he did care about. He wasn't just the soccer jockey everyone made him out to be. He was a gentleman who in fact did have a heart.
" I have a little seven year old sister I would take a bullet for." Caleb explains.
He cares so much about his family. I love that...
"you never told me your worst fears."
"I guess I'm terrified of losing or hurting someone I truly love. It scares the crap out of me. I'm over sensitive and it comes back to bite me all the time."
"That's cute" I say all girly.
"I know, I know. I swear cassidy, if you tell anybody any of this my life is over."
"I keep my promises too, you know."
"Good, I'm glad."

I smile into the phone. Good thing he can't see me because if he could, my life would be over.

"It's 11:47 babe. You've had a long day and we have to go to school tomorrow so I want you to go to bed and get some sleep. But tomorrow is friday... willing to go out tomorrow?"

"Depends," I say. "I have to cheer at the game tomorrow night."
"We can work around it! After my soccer game, I'll head to the football field and sit in the first row and stare at you all night and then we'll go get a pizza and some ice cream after, okay?"
I laugh at him and he laughs back.
"But you have to come to my soccer game saturday." Caleb finishes.
I bite my lip.
"Deal." I say
"Alright hun, I'll text you when I get to the game. Don't forget to send me the picture of your cast."
"No wait! I'll come to your locker tomorrow morning and see it myself! I needed an excuse to come see you before tomorrow night anyways."
"Amanda has the locker next to me.." I let out.
"I don't care anymore, I'm done with her. She can look all she wants. It won't change anything or stop me. Now go to sleep! It's late. Goodnight hun!"

I pause.

"Goodnight." I say as I remove the phone from my ear and hang up.

I laid there on my bed with my hands on my heart and got under the blankets. I woke up that way five hours later when my alarm went off.

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