the serpent | 20

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I could hear light breathing on the top of my head as I fluttered my eyes open. Two warm arms were wrapped around the length of my waist while I was positioned onto someone's lap.

Everything came tumbling down to me as I remembered my panic from last night followed by Octavio trying to break me from the trance. The nightmare from last night hit too close to home. It felt too real not to be real. It felt like it was the bitter truth.

I tried to pull myself from the hard chest I was snuggled against, but his arms seemed to only tighten around my waist. I carefully lifted my head to look up where he was indeed sleeping. The clothes he was wearing when he left yesterday were still on and his black silky hair that is never out of place has formed into its natural curls in his sleep. He looked so normal.

I pulled my hand out of his tight grip and carefully brought them to the thick black curls wounded on his forehead. Softly, I tucked them to the side before brushing my fingers through his growing stubble. His eyes fluttered and I quickly pulled my hand away from his face.

His deep green eyes greeted mine, as he woke up. For a minute, we both remained silent as if just enjoying the peaceful quiet swimming throughout the bedroom. His arms were still wrapped around me and I knew that he didn't want to end this moment any quicker than I wanted to.

I remained silent as his hand pulled away from my waist and came up to cup one side of my face. His thumb feathered over my bottom lip almost like a ghost of a touch before he brought it along with his other fingers to rest against my face.

"What are you thinking," I asked as his green eyes swirled with so much emotion that it was hard to pin one down.

He sighed before gently stroking my jaw with his rough fingers that have experienced way more than my soft ones.

"I am thinking about how I want to kiss you." He whispered as if I wasn't supposed to know what was brewing in that mind of his. It was not hard to tell that Ocatvio wasn't loved like most people. He didn't love like other people either. His love was like ice, cold but still capable of sending chills down your spine. His love was like a rose that captivated you with its beauty, but made you bleed red the moment you tried to embrace it. But, if I were to bleed anyways, why would it make a difference if it was for him.

I smiled against his hand as he seemed to memorize each freckle on my cheeks. He was looking at me the way a lover would look at his woman.

"You can kiss me." I whisper back as he continues to look down at me. He seemed to be fighting himself as he looked down at my lips before glancing back into my eyes with a look I hadn't read in him before.

Finally, as if he decided what to do, Ocativo leaned down and pressed his lips onto my forehead. I closed my eyes just savoring the moment. Before I could swell into his touch any longer he pulled away. The hand cupping my cheek drops and like a prisoner in his own house, the emotions swirling in his eyes fade into thin air.

"I'm going to go take a shower," He says as he pulls me down from his lap and gets up from the bed. It's almost scary how quickly he could turn it all off. How easily he could make one believe that the connection swirling in the air was just a mistaken hallucination. But, I know he felt it too. I know that like me, he knows better than to be led by his emotions.

Octavio has been trained for this his whole life, but I on the other hand never just had the chance to express myself out of the four walls of my bedroom. The sad truth is even if Octavio Amor loved me, he would never confess it even if that ends up being the end of us.

I didn't realize he had left the room before I heard the soft thump of the door behind him. Taking a moment to collect myself, I moved off the bed myself before heading towards the bathroom.

I quickly took a warm shower and changed into a pure white lace button up dress, it reached up my mid thigh and for once with an adequate amount of sleep I looked more like the girl who once loved writing fine lines of poetry and bleed her soul into the piano tiles.

I brushed my hair out, leaving my burgundy curls out and with a quick glance in the mirror left the bathroom.

The kitchen was empty and silent along with the hallways running down to the living room. He must be still in his bedroom.

I decided to make breakfast for us in hopes that he would come and eat. Pulling the ingredients out for waffles and starting the coffee machine, I quickly got to work in making the batter.

It didn't take me long to make a stack of waffles along with some scrambled eggs. I quickly poured the brewed coffee into two mugs and plated the eggs along with the waffles, making sure to leave more on his plate.

As I picked up our coffee mugs to place them at the kitchen counter, Octavio walked in. His black silky hair, now totally curly and soaking wet from the shower he had just taken. He was casually dressed in a pair of grey sweats and a tight black t-shirt, playing his role unfairly good.

"I made us breakfast." I said as I placed the coffee mugs on the kitchen island before picking up the breakfast plates as well.

He had already taken a seat next to my coffee mug and was casually sipping from his mug. I gave him a smile before taking a seat next to him.

"Thanks for the breakfast." He says as he picks up his fork before slicing into the cloud of waffles. I smile to myself as he groans in satisfaction.

We ate in silence, but it seemed as if we both were comfortable with it. It felt oddly comfortable and normal. Like two normal people just having another morning together of the many they have shared before.

My hand on my side shaked from my tense nerves as I replayed the nightmare from last night. What if that was me at the end? What if no one ended up saving the bleeding girl on the floor? What if my story was meant to be a tragedy?

My trance was broken as a rough hand wrapped around my smaller one. I looked up to see Octavio's hand wrapped around my shaking one while he continued to eat his breakfast with his vacant one. With a smile on my face, I also picked up my fork and continued to eat my breakfast.

He would be the one that saves the bleeding girl and he would be the one that kisses her villains goodbye while lulling her to a peaceful slumber.

. . .

Welcome back babes! Enjoy the chapter and leave a comment or two! Will try to catch up to my updating schedule!

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J. Iris Grace

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THE SERPENT | 18+Where stories live. Discover now