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MARDI 06:00

Courtney and Chaeyoung arrived safely at Jeju Island. Courtney's family driver fetch them and immediately bring them home.

The sunrise welcomed them. The morning was beautiful in Jeju Island. The fresh air is healthy. The ocean breeze. The welcoming smiles of people. Everything is beautiful.

Arriving at the farm: the refreshing smell of green tea delight Chaeyoung. The air is different on the farm. It's refreshing.

Courtney's family owned a wide farm of green tea in Jeju. Her family is known on the Island, but she did not grow on the Island.

Stepping out the car: Chaeyoung awing at the wide green tea field. "It's so wide and refreshing in the eye."

"Right. It's the widest green tea farm in Jeju." Courtney said.

"Why did you not manage here?"

From behind: Courtney peeked her head to face Chaeyoung. "Because I have decided to spend my life with you." She beams an honest smile.

Chaeyoung bestowed a sheepish smile. "Thank you for staying, Courtney."

Courtney offers her hand. "Shall we?"

Chaeyoung takes the polite hand and Courtney leads the way to the gate. There was a huge double door wooden gate at the end of the field. The gate opened: bestowing a traditional house.

"Wow..." Chaeyoung uttered in awestruck. Nothing more heard her mouth. She was speechless at the beautiful traditional house.

"Come in, little Madame." Courtney said and lead the way to the front door.

Elders welcomed them with a smile as they entered the chamber of elders. Courtney's parents were out, but her Aunties and Uncles and Grandparents are there.

Courtney and Chaeyoung bows at the elderly with their knees.

"Is this child your boss?" Courtney's seventy-four-year-old grandmother that hardly walks asked.

"That's right, Granny. Beautiful isn't she?"

"Very beautiful. She's a gift of God. However, if she is your boss, why does she look so young?"

Courtney giggled and gag: "She's young because I'm giving her a lot of proteinㅡ"

Chaeyoung elbowed the woman but Courtney just chuckled.

Later on. They enjoyed breakfast. The elders were so welcoming to Chaeyoung as if she is family. She felt warm in their care.

After breakfast. Courtney leads the way to their chamber. Her room was located in the middle of the library and study office that nobody comes in since she owns them. So if they do magic, nobody will hear them.

"You look tired?" Courtney asked.

Chaeyoung slapped her shoulder. "I only asked for a seal but you raid my night."

"Kid. You did not stop me." Courtney reasoned. "If only you begㅡCourtney, stop hngㅡI would not swim your clam."

Chaeyoung blushed upon be reminded of the night. "S-Shut up, you maniac."

Courtney smiled. "I'm sorry for doing it before our wedding day... Because I don't think it will happen."

MARDI 16:00

Chaeyoung raised from slumber. She checked the time on her phone. "I slept this much but it feels like it's been only five minutes."

She tours her eyes around: searching for a red-head fox. She was alone.


Chaeyoung called almost like an utter but a rushing step within the corridors can be heard.

The door split open.

Courtney greeted with a smile. "You called me?"

Chaeyoung blinksㅡdumbfounded. "H-How did you hear me?"

"I checked the time. When you sleep in the day, you raise at four." Courtney leans against the door's frame. "Come. Follow me. I will escort you to the bathhouse."

Chaeyoung obeyed as told and Courtney lead the way.

There was a shack behind Courtney's chamber whereas huge wooden bathtubs can be found.

"You used traditional bath here too?" Chaeyoung could not hide her amazement.

"Yup. As you can see. Everything in this place is traditional. Nothing changed since it was built."

Chaeyoung wondered: "Your place is huge. Are your ancestors royal family?"

Courtney shrugged. "We can say it that way." She smiled. "Hurry, take your bath. I will return in fifteen minutes. I will prepare your meal, then we will head downtown."

MARDI 17:25

"I guess it's late for me to ask this butㅡis this your first time in Jeju Island?" Courtney asked.

They went to relaxing places and their last stop was at the seaside where boats and birds dance to the sunset. They sat on the bench: watching the sunset over the horizon.

Watching the fishermen who just returned, Chaeyoung responded with a smile: "It is. Your city is beautiful."

"I haven't shown you everything yet. Next days, let's do recreational activities." Courtney looked excited just by mentioning it.

"I'm looking forward to that." Chaeyoung smiled at her: excited to hear it too. "Let's do hiking and camping!"

"Sure thing." Courtney ruffled the lady's hair. "Wait. I'll get us snacks. Stay here, alright? Don't go anywhere. It's too crowded in the market, I'll go alone."

Chaeyoung nodded. "Alright. I will wait for you here." She bestowed a reassuring smile.

Out of the blue: Courtney kissed her lips. "I'll be right back shortly."

MARDI 17:45

Waiting. Chaeyoung went for a walk just by the area. As she walks, the sunset as if following her. It was beautiful: golden and reddish.

Chaeyoung reached near the small port of fishing boats. She has been watching the amazing job of fishermen.

Fishermen are busy carrying the buckets of fish. While their wives assist them to their trucks.

Curious. She strides closer to the trucks to look at the buckets of fish. However, she halts upon seeing a familiar face.

Despite the darkness blooms: the face was so clear that she knows it is not an illusion.


The woman she was calling Mina was sitting on the back of a fish truck. She had black hair but the beauty was the same.

The anatomy that Chaeyoung stare at every night matched the anatomy of the woman at the truck.

This Mina looked so real.

This time. Chaeyoung believes this is not her illusion.

The woman looked in her direction and their eyes meet. They wear the same look in their eyes: bewilder, confuse, and yearn.

Three meters apart. The world stopped as if they were in the movie. No noise was heard. No people were seen. However, their encounter ends shortly like a movie.

Their eye contact break when a woman approached the woman in the truck and kissed her on the lips as greetings.

"Sorry for taking long, love. There were lots of fish buckets to carryㅡall trucks were loaded."

The woman smiled to assure her perception. "It's alright, Wendy."

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