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It's been awhile since we last saw each other. I wasn't able to give you a proper goodbye before my departure from this life.

Our path may apart, but our hearts stay together. My sweet bother, I wish you the best of luck for your future and may you scale every high in your journey. The loving relation always remains the same and no distance can break it.

I am so happy and proud of you and I cannot wait to hear of all your adventures. I wanted to thank you for all the lessons I have learned from you. I never want to take for granted the fact of how close we were. One thing I learned is that you should never take anything for granted because you never know when you will no longer have it everyday. You are such an amazing person and you truly inspire me everyday. Your ability to make others smile and bring people together is stunning. You are caring and can talk to anyone and make them happy.

I will miss your jokes at the dinner table and your funny impressions when we stand around in the kitchen. Thank you for reminding me always that I matter. You've always been able to tell if there is something wrong and bring me back into my happiest place. Whether it be from teasing me till I pee or making funny faces till I crack a smile, you've always found a way. You bring me back down a level of understanding when I do not see things clearly. You've also reminded me in times, that I am not the only one that matters. you've kept me straight and given me a reality check when I needed it most. You've given me hope in your goofy ways, when I feel that there is no hope left. You've always seen the bigger picture.

Thank you for setting great expectations. Without being the man you have become I could not strive to be better. You've given me a sense of pride to call you my brother with all your achievements and drive to out do the limits that those set in front of you. You seen this life early than I did and have encountered so much.

That is why I take each wise word and lesson you give to heart. I sit back in amazement at your ability to give so much in life, without taking. You've set such great examples of what a person should be and for that I will always be forever grateful.

Thank you for showing me what I can and cannot get away with. Although I've made it hard and not always made the best of decisions, you've given me the greatest lesson in right and wrong. Without those moments of your honesty, I would not have learned some of my greatest lessons. You've taught me that with everything I do, there is a consequence whether I know it or not. For this I have become more grounded in my choices and appreciated your judgment even though I didn't understand it at the time.

And while i'm thanking you, I would also like to throw in a apology for the times I've let you down, hurt you, or over looked just how much you do as my brother. My favorite part of being your sister has always been how you can take with great pride the thank you I didn't give but know I meant.

As your baby sister, just so you know, I will never be less annoying... but please know that no one would possibly love you more than I do. Even if I show it in ways you may not understand fully.

You've given me the best life a girl could ask for, even if it did involve a lot of worms and dirt. I've been blessed with every moment I was given with you. I could spend every waking moment with you and still not feel like I've had enough time with you because you teach me something new with every day to come.

I appreciate you, I'm proud of you and most importantly I love you with all my heart. Thank you for being my big brother and holding me in both your hands with the up most love. While people may come and go, you will be in my heart for a lifetime.

Love always,

your rotten little sister!

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