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Dear Diary,

it's no secret that everyone has a comfort streamer...

"I think we should go." Ranboo said, "It's getting late. We can just finish the project tomorrow."

"I agree." Val said, yawning as she looked out on the nearly set sun.

"Tired?" He asked, cocking a brow at her.

"Very." She nodded in response as she wearily started shoving her things back into her bag. As she did, she pulled her phone back out.

Her eyes widened in her horror as she saw the notifications that appeared on it.

"Shit!" She exclaimed, slapping her hand on her forehead.

"What?" Ranboo asked as he stood up and swung his backpack over his shoulder.

"My parents. I didn't tell them where I was. They've been blowing up my phone."

"You better get home then." He chuckled, clearly enjoining her obvious stress, "Do you want a ride?"

"You can fucking drive?" She questioned, narrowing her eyes on him.

"I'm 17. Of course I can."

Val shrugged, sighing as she picked up her bag and followed Ranboo to his car. The drive was spent with Val yelling at Ranboo to stop being a pussy and go over the speed limit. She wanted to get home as soon as possible.

"Fuck me." Val huffed as they pulled up in front of her house. Her dad was rushing out the door the second the tires touched the property, "Now, the second I get out, you drive away."


"Because my dad might murder you." Val said in the most serious of tones. She really wasn't joking.

Ranboo's eyes widened as he watched her open the door and hop out. He instantly pressed on the gas and sped off.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Her dad yelled, walking angrily towards her.

"Out working on a project with a friend." Val mumbled, hurrying past him to avoid him grabbing her.

"Your mother and I have been sitting here for hours worried!" He shouted, following her into the house, "We thought you died!"

"Like you would care." She whispered under her breath as she set her bag down in the foyer and headed towards the stairs.

"Valencia!" Val heard her mom shout from the living room, "Where the hell were you?"

Val sighed, "Working on a project with a friend."

"Speaking of project," Her mom began, "your teacher called me today and said that you haven't turned in a project yet. You were supposed to present today."

"And that's what I was working on." Val replied with obvious annoyance in her tone, "God, stop yelling at me."

"Don't catch an attitude." Her dad barked, "We have every right to be mad at you. Imagine how me and your poor mother felt when we came home and you weren't here."

"Give me a break." Val rubbed the bridge of her nose just wanting to go to her room.

"No, give me a break!" Her mom yelled, "Who even is this friend of yours?"

"Friend from school." She replied, "I played volleyball with him."

"Him?" Her mom questioned, "Oh so it's a boy? I can't believe you, Valencia!"

"Now you're just pulling reasons to be mad at me out of your ass."


"Do not speak to your mother like that!"

"I'm done with you guys!" Val yelled, silencing the two as she headed up the stairs, "Don't be surprised when I move out on my 18th birthday!"

She slammed her bedroom door behind her before flopping on her bed.

"Fucking idiots." She mumbled to herself, pulling her phone out of her pocket. She had a text from ranboo.


everything okay?

not at all.

not only are they mad
at me for being out without
telling them, they're also mad
because the person i was
hanging out with is a boy.

well i'll grow my hair out
to look like a girl just so
we can hang out 🤗

ouuu how romantic 🙄



And suddenly, all of her anger and sadness from her parents seemed to drift off. Why did Ranboo do this to her? Why did he make her feel so happy and so special?

She always had that thought that he was just being friends with her so she would keep his secret. It was never clear if that thought was true or not. Fear of the unknown.

But what scared her the most was that if it was true, he could get up and leave at anytime. But he wouldn't. He couldn't. Hopefully.

Val answered her phone as it began to ring with an incoming facetime from Ranboo.

"Did you not like me uwu-ing in our texts?" He teased, setting up his phone on his dashboard as he continued his drive home.

"Hell no." Val said with disgust, "Do it again and I'll put a bullet in your eardrum."

"You know, you really remind me of Tubbo." He remarked, "That's very much a Tubbo thing to say."

"Did I just do a Tubbo moment?"

"You did indeed." He giggled, nodding his head.

"Wow, I'm so glad." She said, "Would you ever let me meet Tubbo? Like talk to him?"

"Is that all your using me for!" He exclaimed, putting a hand over his heart to look offended, "To talk to my famous friends?"

"Did you already forget? We have a deal. I keep your secret and you let me use you to talk to your friends." She joked, placing her phone next to her and staring at her ceiling.

"I really hope your joking." He smiled.

"Very much so." She smiled back.

Dear Diary,

it's no secret that everyone has a comfort streamer... but it's a whole different ball game when they become your comfort bestfriend.

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