Chapter 12

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It's now almost five pm, Jungkook and I spended our spare time eating chips and talking about each other.

It's now five pm "oh, it's five pm I need to go home!" I said and stood up, Jungkook also stood up and helped me pack my things, he handed me the project that me made.

I went out and saw that it's raining "I'll drive you home, don't worry" He said and took our project and went to his car. I followed him.

He put our project properly at the back seat and opened the door for me at the front. I went in and closed the door, he went in the driver's seat.

He started the engine and started the driving. It was still raining and the sky is pretty dark. Jungkook's house is a bit far from our apartment.

I texted Jisoo unnie that I'm almost home and she said okay. I put away my phone and looked back at the window and saw a clear sky, I think the rain stopped.

While looking outside, I see familliar surroundings so that means we're almost at our apartment.

Finally we are here. I went out while Jungkook took the project from the back seat.

He walked me to our apartment and finally we arrived, he handed me the project and I quickly took it. "Thanks for today" I smiled and he nodded.

Some seconds later he kissed me on the forehead, I flinched a bit. I froze at the spot and he smiled, I didn't moved and my brain is trying to process on what happened.

"I'll get going now" He said and I nodded like a weird person cause I was just standing their doing nothing with a grin in my face.

He chuckled and he walked away, my brain suddenly worked. He kissed me on the forehead again?! What the heck!

I was a bit suprised and I really feel my cheeks burning and my heart beating fast. I went inside the apartment and saw Jisoo unnie playing on her phone in the couch. "I'm home unnie" I said "Yehey!" Jisoo unnie said.

I don't know if it was meant for her game or for me coming home. I ignored her and went straight to my bedroom, I put the project in the corner of the room to keep it safe.

I changed my outfit and went out, I took a bag of chips from our pantry and went back to my room and sat on my desk to make my homework in Arts.

While making homework, I still can't get over to what Jungkook did earlier, should I be happy, upset, nervous about the girls will chase me to hell?

Mixed emotions is what I'm feeling right now. I ignored my heart and went back to doing my homework.

Finally I'm done and my bag of chips are already gone. That was a bit of a hard homework. I layed down to my bed and tried to forget about what happened earlier.

I don't know what I'm feeling right now. Do I like Jungkook? Do I hate him? Should I  be happy that he did that? Should I be upset that he did that?

Everytime I'm with him or everytime he touched me, I feel butterflies and my heart is beating so fast, shivers all over my body and my face is like a tomato.

What kind of feeling is this? I never felt this before. I never felt this way to someone before.

I was reflecting everything and everytime I'm with him. While thinking and reflecting different things I didn't realize that I fell into a deep sleep.

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