Chapter 14

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(𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝚗𝚘 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚣 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚕𝚊𝚣𝚢 𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐)


"Noona?" Jisoo unnie said while looking confused at Jungkook. "Oh she's my--" Jungkook got cutted off when the girls spoke "I'm Jennie, his Noona. Now I want to eat, I'm starving!" She said.

Gosh, the audacity of this girl

She went to the counter and ordered a lot of food, like literally a lot.


It's time to go home and Jk will take me and Jisoo unnie home. We went to the parking lot with Jk and Jisoo unnie and approach his car.

Then he went outside the school and waited "Why are we stopping?" Jisoo unnie said. Then the car door at the front seat flew open. Where I was sitting.

"Ugh! Kookie, it's so hot in here, you could've pick me up faster!" She said. "What is that girl doing in my seat?" She asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Just go in the back seat Noona" He said and the girl whined "ugh! Fine!" She said and stomped her way at the back seat with Jisoo unnie playing games not caring about her seat mate.

We arrived at the building and Jungkook dropped us off at our room, while the girl was staying in the car. Jisoo unnie went straight inside the apartment.

"Thanks again" I said with a smile "No problem" He said and started to walk. Before he could get any further I held his wrist. "Jk! Can I ask something?" I said "Yeah sure"

"Who's that girl?" I said "oh, she's my cousin, she's from New Zealand but she's a pure Korean. She's the one I picked up at the airport when you bumped into me" He said.

I completely forgot that I bumped into him "Wait! That was you?" I said and he nodded while chuckling. "Yeah, is there any more further questions?" He said.

"No. Well thanks again" I said and kissed his cheeks not knowing what was I doing.


"No. Well thanks again" She said sweetly and kissed my cheeks. I see her cheeks turning red and I feel a lot of butterflies in my stomach.

She was embarrassed that she went inside. I chuckled in my mind. I went outside the bulding and went in the car and saw Bennie noona on the phone. I think she was talking to someone.

I dropped her to her house and she didn't said anything J just went to my house which is just a few blocks away from her house.

I parked my car and went inside.


I went inside and felt my chest a little but relieved to know that she was just his cousin. I don't know why. I shouldn't feel this way. This is so wrong.

I just went into my room and and fixed my things. But I just can't focus. He kept always getting on my mind while my heart is beating so fast.

I took a break and went to my bed to release all my thoughts. But I just can't. Do I like him? Do I feel something for him? Does he also like me. Do I.... Love him?

It's just everytime I do something he always comes in my mind, and everytime he does. My heart is beating so fast and it always sent shivers in my spine and butterflies fluttering in my stomach.


I went in my room to make our homework in the computer. Since Lisa said that I should be more productive, I started to be productive. It helped me to make my grades higher and I want her to be proud at me.

Since then I always follow what Lisa said. I started to develop my feelings for her. I think I love her but I guess she doesn't love me back.

I'm not enough for her, well I made up my mind. Tomorrow afternoon, I will ask her to go out with me at the park and that is the time that I will confess to her.

I took my phone and texted her Wanna meet up at the park tomorrow?

After some minutes she replied Sure, I:ll bring Jisoo unnie

Plan, busted

Uhm, is it okay if it's just the both of us.

I asked, hopefully she'll agree.

Of course, see ya tomorrow at three pm

She said. I jumped out of bed and I felt so happy. "Okay, three pm tomorrow!"

**✿❀ ❀✿**

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