Blue Shui (the Shui family)

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Name: Blue Shui




Apperance: Media

Race: human

Job: going to school

Likes: flowers, playing piano, baking, reading, and being competitive/in a contest, being honest.

Dislikes: girly things, noise,lying, not making people happy, and losing.

Personality: mature, loyal, sweet, quite, and calm.

Bio: Blue is the actually the youngest child in the Shui member there between the seven children. She tries her hardest at school wishing, and praying that she is pleasing her dad in the decisions she is making. She tries to make her family happy, by trying to be a good daughter and sister. She always worries that if isn't good enough on all the things she does. She hates losing whether it's school or cooking she plans to be the best. She is also very honest she never likes lying.

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