the end of the world

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The Commandant paced restlessly up and down in his office. The time on his wristwatch showed that it was half an hour past midnight. He ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath.

The Institution had betrayed him this time.

Slumping down in his chair, he glanced at the family portrait on his desk. His wife and son smiled back at him.

Taking out his cell phone he dialed the number of Park Jin Young, another long-time friend.

Jin Young picked up on the third ring.

"Officer?" The retired-assassin-turned-manager asked bemusedly.

"Oh Jin Young-ah," the Commandant began hesitantly. "Can you put me through to one of your boys? That one from the class of 2014? I need to speak to him."

"Kim Yugyeom?"

"I believe that's the one."

"What happened?" Jin Young's voice was worried. "Has he done anything?"

"No, no I just- I have to talk to him."

There was a pause on the other end. The Commandant gripped the phone tighter, trying to rein in his anxieties.

"Ok," said Jin Young slowly. "Alright. I'll have him contact you first thing in the morning."

"No!" The Commandant almost cried. "No, Jin Young... it has to be now. Please."

"Ok." Jin Young replied, his tone careful but calm, "Ok I will have him contact you... now."

There was an unsaid pact in the way Jin Young did not ask any questions.


It would be a lie to say that Yugyeom was not nervous as he waited for the line on the other end to ring. He had been asked to contact the Commandant on his personal cellular so it likely was something private. Yugyeom, for the life of him, couldn't figure out what. His manager had had no explanation either, but he had been calm. And most importantly, not angry. So, it likely was not because Yugyeom had broken into prison and smuggled someone out.

"Hello, is this Kim Yugyeom?" The Commandant asked directly.

"Yes Sir, it is I."

"You're friends with that Jeon Jung Kook boy, aren't you? The one under Bang Si Hyuk."

Yugyeom's hands went cold. "Yes Sir," he said, as calm as he could, "We belonged to the same class in the Academy."

"I will cut to the chase." The Commandant's voice lowered. "Bang Si Hyuk's life is in danger. They don't like that he's pleading negligence on behalf of his ward. It affects their authority as they really want the boy to be punished. His ward- that Jeon Jung Kook boy- deserves to know. I need him to be there for Si Hyuk. I know you were responsible for smuggling out that Madam Geomy's girl recently. I need you to do it again."

Yugyeom was numb with surprise. "Ah- Sir I- ʺ

"I will help you in getting Jeon Jung Kook out of his cell. I need you to act tonight. ASAP. Bang is a good friend, and I couldn't bear to lose him. Do you understand me?"

Yugyeom had no time to process it emotionally. "Yes Sir, I do."

"Now listen to me carefully..."


Yugyeom waited as Min Gyu cussed on the other line.

"You're sure it was the Commandant and not voice phishing?"

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