Izuma kun and Iruma kun

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Iruma and Izuma (first time standing and walking)

Mom : wow dear look izu chan and iru chan already walking
Dad : wow really ok since you two are already walking hurry up and follow me kids (while walking)
Mom : oh my ok good luck kids byebye
Izuma pov: .... looks like our parents are idiot huh?!
Iruma pov: don't say that their still our parents
Izuma pov: are you an idiot? We're just starting to walk we can't even talk yet he want us to follow him?
Iruma pov: but maybe he just want to show us something😅
Izuma pov: well you had a point but why do we need to follow him can't he just carry us? My foot feels numb
Iruma pov: i... cant walk... anymore...(while pathing)
Izuma pov: lets just take a break here... just sit wherever you want
Iruma pov: but... dad might get angry😓
Izuma pov: who cares were still 1 years old we need to rest
Iruma pov: ....o-ok 😓
Dad: oh my tired already?
Izuma pov: of course you dummy why don't you try to walk with a small foot🤨
Iruma pov: .... 😓
Dad: come on, hurry up lets go boys the boat will not wait for us😀
(Iruma suddenly stand up and follow his dad while Izuma follow Iruma)
Izuma pov: oh come on it hasn't been a minute of break though
Iruma pov: lets just hurry or else dad will get mad
Izuma pov: fine😒

........at boat........

Iruma pov: wow its my first time seeing a fishing boat😯💦
Izuma pov: what should we do now?
Iruma pov: dunno maybe we can ask dad💦
(Looking at his father who was trying to find something)
Izuma pov: how can we ask him he cant understand us? What should we say kyu kya aa??
Iruma pov: haha your right 😅💦
(Suddenly Iruma and Izuma became silent when they realized their father tied them using the rope)
Iruma and Izuma pov: ...huh?! What the-
Dad: were going to fishing now 😀 hm~~~
Izuma pov: if were going to fishing then why do you need to tie us... wait don't tell me-
(He didn't able to finish what his thinking because their father suddenly throw the to the out of the boat)
Iruma and Izuma: waaaahhhhhh ahhhhh!!!
Dad: bring a tuna ok😁
Iruma and Izuma pov: what the heeeelllll

.......after fishing......
The twin come back home so tired and wet with their father who was happily walking to his wife and telling the story about fishing the two young child manage to survive somehow and catch a 3 tuna, 2catfish and 2octopus...

Izuma pov: i wonder how did we manage to survive that? (He look at his parents with a glaring eyes but the two seem not care to two children and just happily chatting with each other) (sigh) what a idiot parents we had

........the hellish life of two young boys continued......

........13 years later.......
Izuma: hey Iruma i had to work at resturant so I'm going now
Iruma: ok nii-san take care
Izuma: you too bye

Mom: Iru-chan can you help mommy to clean the bathroom?
Iruma: yes of course mom anything for you😊
Mom: oh my thank you dear your such a good boy your always following our order without any question (while patting irumas head)
Iruma: heheh😊
......after cleaning the bathroom.....
Dad: Iruma can you clean my motor?
Iruma: yes of course dad
......after cleaning the motor....
Both mom and dad: wow Iruma/iru-chan is really a good child then can we €¥£¥£¥¥£¥€₩£¥€¥¥£
Iruma pov: what i didn't hear it but mom and dad looks happy and excited so....
Iruma: yes of course mom dad😊
Mom and Dad: yay thank you iruma/iru-chan
Iruma: no problem 😊

......1 year later after......
Iruma: why i suddenly remember that?
Izuma:remember what?
Iruma: no nothing😅
Izuma: ok
Random person: hey Iruma and Izuma kun don't let those fall if those tuna fell off i will deduct half of your pay(he run away from the children)
Iruma: o-ok
Izuma: wait why don't you try to help us
Iruma: its fine nii-san maybe he still need to do something
Izuma: sometimes im wondering if your kind or your just an idiot you know😒
Iruma: hehe😅💦 lets just do our work
Izuma: (sigh) fine😐💢
(Suddenly everything became silent and all of fish stop from moving)
Izuma pov: do you feel that?
Iruma pov: yes i do 😰 but what was that?
Izuma pov: i don't know too lets go outside and ask the other
Iruma pov: strange all of them is not moving (while waving in front of other crew face)
Izuma pov: hey iruma look at the water its not moving... i think the time has stop
Iruma pov: huh😮💦 wha-what should we do we need to help them
Izuma pov: just let them be... we need to find out what happ-
(Before he finish his sentence Suddenly the scenery change to red and black, the twin found themselves has been tied by a black rope)
Iruma: wha what happened😰💦
Izuma pov: i think i already guess whats happening 😑
Iruma pov: huh the-then what happen nii-san
Izuma pov: why don't you try to ask the demon in front of us?😒
Iruma: de-demon?! Wha-what are you talking abo- (iruma stop when he realise there's a demon in front of them) wha-whaaaatttt wait who are you?😰💦

Demon: |-|€££○$@¥$&×₩#&#¥!$₩÷
Twin pov: huh!?
Iruma: huh? I-i don't understand wha-what are you talking a-about
Izuma pov: i think our parent sold us to a demon😒
Iruma pov: huh? Do you understand what his saying and what do you mean
Izuma pov: no i don't understand what his saying but look at the paper at the rope
Iruma pov: huh n-no way they're not going to do... ahhh yeah they can... never mind😓
(The demon snap his finger so they can understand what his saying)
Demon: Izuma and Iruma Suzuki your parents sold your soul to me
Izuma pov: yea i knew it😐
Iruma: why would they do something like this (mumble to himself)
Demon: you two look didn't shock
Izuma: yeah because its really obvious😐
Iruma: the-then wha-what will happen to us?
Izuma: obviously were going to be food or slave😐
Iruma: huh?! Wait what i don't wanna😰😭
Izuma: even i
Demon: my my im not going to eat you nor hurt you two😊
Twin pov: huh? Really??
Izuma: then were going to be a slave?😐
Iruma: ....💦
Demon: no no im not going to do anything to you two😁
Twin pov: wait how can we understand him?
Izuma: ah mister demon how can we understand what your saying? And who are you??
Demon: oops I forgot to tell you my name. I'm Sullivan and the reason why you can understand what im saying because i cast a spell to you two
Iruma: s-spell?
Sullivan: yes of course I can use a spell because im a demon
Izuma: then what was that?
Sullivan: that's my mansion
Iruma: wa-waittt wha-what are you planning to do with us?
(Sullivan didn't answer them instead he just smirk)

.......at Sullivan's mansion......

The two was shock when they found themselves sitting on the couch

Twin pov: huh?!
Iruma: umm w-what is this?
Izuma: a tea set?
Sullivan: yes this is my ultimate tea set.. do you like some cookies?
Iruma: wait what's the mea-
Izuma: yes please i want some😐
(Iruma Suddenly cracked while looking at his brother)
Izuma: what? He ask first and im hungry😒
(Sullivan give Izuma a cookies and tea then he turn to iruma and ask him if he want some but Iruma shake his head)

Izuma: if you don't want us to become your slave nor meal what do you want from us?
Iruma: i-im also wondering
Sullivan: you see... I'm a lonely old man without child nor grandchild so I'm really jealous to my friends their always bragging their grandchildren in front of me. So Iruma kun and Izuma kun can you two became my grandsons
Twin pov: huh?
Sullivan: please i begging you i really want to have a grandchild i promise to spoil you😭(iruma has been defeat by the old man who was crying and begging him)
Iruma: alright
Izuma: ...😐

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