First Day

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While walking izuma and iruma saw a many demons flying and a really large school that more a like castle
Twin: woow
Sullivan: thats the demon school babylus one of the famous school of netherworld

Sullivan take a photo with his grandsons After taking a photo the two entered

Iruma nervously enter while holding to his brother shirt
Izuma just walking normally while looking around

Suddenly someone call them that cause iruma to flitch while izuma stand in front of iruma and ready to protect his brother

The demon said that they got a wrong way and point his hand to the left way where the auditorium is
The twin got relax and thank the demon

Walking to the direction that the demon pointed
Iruma pov: i thought they found out the were a human
Izuma pov: i got panic i wish they didnt suspect my action earlier


The twin was sitting next to each other iruma sitting nervously while izuma holding irumas hand to make him less nervous

"something smells good" random demon (1) said
"your right. is that you?" said the other (2) and ask izuma
Iruma got more nervous and scared and izuma stared to the demon and sign
"you know smelling someone is really rude are you a pervert? " izuma said to him with serious eyes and disgust look
The demon flitch and the other demons who heard them whisper to each other how rude and pervert the demon
"me? Rude and pervert how dare you to say that to me are you asking for fight?" demon 2 said with irritating voice
Iruma got panic and about to stop his brother. one of the teachers go to mic
"silence" the scary teacher said as everyone became quite
Iruma's pov: is he a teacher? He's scary
Izuma's pov: he might be the head teacher

"today 6:06 am everyone rise and sing" the other teacher said

All of students rise to their chair and sing
While the student singing izuma and iruma just standing like a stone statue
The twin pov: lets try to not stand out too much
After the song all the students cheer up
"now the principal will give his speech"
Iruma and izuma pov: principal?
Izuma pov: i had a bad feeling about this
The twin looks to the students cheering at the principal and shouting next demon king
Iruma pov: i wonder whos the principal he might be strong
Izuma pov: i wish its not hi-
"Izuma kun, iruma kun grandpa is here" cheerfully shout of the person at mic
Iruma pov:.... What wait huh!!  He's the principal?
Izuma pov: i knew it
Iruma got more nervous and scared
Izuma was trying to make his brother calm
"yes~ you see my grandchildren also enrol here their twin and sooo cute~ ahh we pick a photo earlyer lookie lookie~ aren't they cute" sullivan said while holding the photo "yosh thats all i want to say so bye"

"i didn't know the principal had a grandchildren"
"he looks so proud to them"
"they must be strong"
"of course they're principal grandchildren their strong"
The students said

Izuma look at the demon whos picking a fight with him the demon apologies to their behaviour "just don't do it next time" izuma said to the demon (2) thanked izumas kindness

"next speech from our top student asmodous alice please come to stage" the teacher said as alice stand up and ready to go to stage the twin sign of relax "eh the person will do the speech has been changed izuma kun and iruma kun please go to stage to make a speech" the teacher said
Twin pov: heh!? Why though
(They saw sullivan waving to them while holding a camera)  we knew it

........ At stage.......
Iruma was nervous and just standing up like a stone izuma was thinking if what kind of speech they should say
Suddenly a paper appeared in front of them they read it to their mind first but some letters they don't understand izuma look at the paper suspiciously and then look at their grandfather reassuring but izuma don't trust it so izuma try to talk to the strict teacher to ask him what the written in paper means but he stop when he heard iruma already reading it. Izuma and Iruma notice the changing of the atmosphere but iruma keep reading it when iruma finish the speech all the students are shout and cheer how amazing iruma is. Iruma got scold by the teachers and they explain to him what he just did both iruma and izuma shock. While iruma talking to the teachers izuma send a signal to iruma to go first and he need to talk with their grampa iruma just nod.

Izuma grab his grandfather and they talk to principal office

When they arrived at the principal office there a thick and serious aura around izuma while sullivan in his egg shape who was scaredlikea child beside him was opera shaking a bit

"why do you need to make my brother chant that dangerous spell?" asks izuma while looking at sullivan with serious eyes and calm voice
"Yyou dont need to worry about it izuma kun, iruma kun was safe isn't him?" Sullivan said while trying to make izuma calm
Izuma got more irritate
"Then what will you do if iruma got a wrong word or sneeze or yawn iruma might die you know?" Izuma said in angry tone
"Bu but he didn't...." Eggie Sullivan said nervously to his grandson but he didn't finish it because he realised what he did wrong "im sorry Izuma kun i promise grampa wont do something like that again.
"Ok but make sure your not going to do that again" izuma said

Suddenly iruma open the door

............. Earlier ..........
Iruma was about to back when alice stop him
"Hello im asmodeus alice"
"He hello?......!"
Suddenly they already in fighting area (i dont know where are them) asmodeus said "i am supposed to be representative speech. The crime you commit for taking my position will be pay by your body i will burn you to death!"
He fire a fireball to iruma, and iruma just dodge them all

...........20 minutes later......
Iruma and alice are both tired

" You why i cant hit you? "Alice said in angry tone
" So sorry I'm really sorry" iruma said

"Iruma is so cool"
"He haven't attack yet"
"Is he saying his not worth to his time?" Random students said

"No no" iruma try to explain but no one listened to him its only make things worse

"Are you telling me that I am not worthy of your time" asmo said in irritating tone and create a fire sword ready to attack iruma but iruma redirect it and asmo was about to hit a girl so iruma grab him. Both iruma and alice was about to fall and then suddenly the spell that iruma cast worked as they do a German surflex
(is that what is called?)

............ Present...........

As iruma was still nervous talking with izuma.
Sully was clapping his hand and look proud.
Opera was just standing behind

Izuma pov: so this is his reason why he made iruma cast a spell, what a cunning demon. Izuma thought while smirking

Suddenly the door opened widely

Asmo came near of iruma and then kneel

He smile as bright as the sun and said "according to the demon law the loser will belong to the winner thats why im at your service iruma sama i will help you to take all demon in this school belong to you just say it and i will do anything you want"
Iruma: huh??
Izuma pov:what kind of law is that? Anyway he will become useful to be iruma's protection
Izuma smirk
As sully asking iruma if he can wrote it down to the school newspaper
Iruma got more panic and asking izuma for make all of them calm.

Author note

1326 words
Sorry for not updating because im too lazy and im doing my school stuff ahh and also i was actually planning for not updating anymore since i got bored sorry😓

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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