6. One Night At The Concert(S2)

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Violence and abusive language is used, if you are uncomfortable you may skip the chapter.

Skip the chapter if your sensitive!


"Next time I won't miss the shot! Don't you dare curse at me if you want to stay alive" Rico said
"It was your son who did wrong!! He deserved it" Lipa wispered
"Do you have any death wish??"
"He raped someone!!! He fucking deserved it!!" Lipa's words left the whole room speechless
"Is it true??" Jade asked
"Are you seriously gonna believe this slut??"
"SHE IS NOT A SLUT!!" Jade shouted
Rico chucked not believing he would be scared to death.
"He was drunk!! Not in conscious!! People do mistake when they are not conscious!"
"And you did nothing??" Jade asked surprised
"What would i do!!? See my only son go to jail, the only son who would grow my gang even more?? The only son who could take care of me in my death bed??" Rico said

"Untie me Mark" Rob(in case you don't remember who he is, he is one of the two people who came at the airport to pick up Jade... Moving on)
"I SAID UNTIE ME MARK!!!" Mark one of the guards flieched, Rob took a deep breath and said "I promise I won't act stupid"
"Mark this is the last time am saying, before i choose violence untie me" he said.

Mark slowly untied Rob, "Your dead" Rob pushed Mark in anger and punched Rico right in the face. "One from me please" Lipa said "And me" shouted Jade and R2(the girl who was annoyed by Lipa's questions)

No one moved because they knew what Rob does when he is angry "You derserve to die!!" He kept punching and punching,  "Heyy! Stop! He'll really die" Jade said, but he ignored her and kept punching. Finally after few seconds the guards pulled him. Rico was bleeding from his nose, mouth and had wounds on his forehead.

"FUCK YOU!!" Rob said giving him one last punch, Rico woke up and sat. He saw his guards, Rob, Jade, R2 and Lipa around him there was anger in there eyes. "If it weren't for you they would never know" he said looking at Lipa
Jade threw her gun on Rico "Am out" she said "What do you mean your out??"
"I quite" she said
"Ya me too!" Rob said following R2
Slowly one by one everyone quite being in Zicos gang

He tried to convince them but failed too. "Let me call the cops" Lipa said. The cops arrested him and the court sentenced him presioner for life and the people who were in his gang were imprisoned for 6 months, their punishment was reduced because they themselves handed over Rico. They also had to sign a contract which said the people involved in the gang are not supposed to involve into drugs or mafia every again, if they did they will be sentenced to hung.


"THIS WAS ALL FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE SOCIETY" Jade said, "Now all welcome the bride" the priest said grabbing everyones attention,
"Do you Lucifer M Grace take thee Riya William as  your wedded wife"
"I DO" lucifer said
"Do you Riya William take thee Lucifer M Grace as your wedded husband".

Riya once looks at the bride's mate, looking at Lipa to confirm she isn't gonna stop the wedding again. "I do" she says.

"You may kiss the bride"

And they lived happily ever after

The end

Do read my other stories~ I hope you like it ♡

A/n :

Thxu for you support towards this story, I hope you keep supporting me the same for my other stories and about my next story~ well let's just say am working on something♡

ONE NIGHT AT THE CONCERT SEASON TWO Where stories live. Discover now