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Being a baby was so inconvenient.

You couldn't walk properly on your own. You couldn't eat usually without being fed. You couldn't bath on your own, you couldn't rummage through things that were out of your reach, you couldn't talk properly and worst of all, you would burf everytime after eating. And everytime it happened the feeling of burping was so unpleasant that it made Ivar wanna throw up.

"Baby chan, where are you?" The twins were at it again. There was never a day when these two came to disturb Ivar. They searched the entire room but couldn't find their adorable baby brother.

Jude and Joel looked at each other. Something clicked in their mind. "Ah.....maybe he is in the library, reading books again."

When they entered the library as expected, they found a bunch of books scattered on the floor. The twins looked at the things their baby chan had been reading. All of them were books about wars, national political affairs and other topics that a normal baby usually won't read. Moreover their baby brother had just turned five this year.
The twins searched the library but they still couldn't find their baby chan.
Jude activated his magic circle to find him.

"Ah...found him!" He exclaimed. Both of them disappeared from the library.

"Baby chan...we have been looking for you."

Ivar felt his brow twitch. He did not have to look back to see who they were. Their voices have been engraved in his consciousness deeply specially after hearing them call him baby chan each and every day, it felt like a mental torture.

"What are you looking at?" Joel asked his adorable little brother, who was staring down at the world from the rooftop.
Their baby chan had this strange habit of reading and sightseeing almost everyday.

Ivar stared at the world before him. A wonderful civilization complimented with the perfect adaptation of magic into tools, this world had tree branches as roads, clouds as rivers, the structure of the sun shining down at them was a strange apple shape, with a rainbow bridge elongating in the sky, even the plants and trees were full of vigour, their stems and branches swaying as if they were alive. And all of these was because of the magic manifesting tools implanted on them. Even the structure of the houses were strange. The designs of these houses changed everyday, from one design to another. The house he was currently living in was no different. Like how the internal layout of the rooms shifted everyday. At first it was kinda annoying but now that Ivar got used to it, this shifting was actually very intersting.
The civilization was of the Goblin race. It was one of a kind.
Ivar felt a pair of palm pinching his cheek.
He glared at them. "What is it? Why are you pinching me?"

Joel and Jude smiled at him. "Nothing. You were just so cuteee so we couldn't help ourselves."

Ivar frowned. "But I told you I hate it."

The two twins flashed an idiotic smile at him. To Ivar who was actually an adult, their smile was full of innocence, with no ulterior motive, in short, they were as innocent as any normal children. Ivar sighed. Because he was an adult he couldn't really insist on scolding them knowing that they were just kids.
If there was anything thing different about Joel and Jude then it had to be their appearance. The two twins retained their usual appearance but their bodies were taller now. They were barely sixteen but their physique appeared to be that of an adult.

" cute. Just like an angel..." Joel exclaimed staring at Ivar's chubby face.

Jude was the same. He held Ivar in his arms, picking him up. Ivar hated being carried in their arms but no matter how he rejected them they were so persistent. He then learnt his lesson when they let him sit on their lap forcefully for an enitre day. Since then he just let them have their way.
Then turning to his twin brother he said. "Joel what are you even comparing our baby chan to? Angels are too ugly to be compared to our baby chan. If anything, our baby chan is the cutest existence in this world."