Chapter 5- settling in

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It is the next day and today is when Ora is leaving with Thor to Asgard. Ora doesn't need to pack much as they are going to provide her with most things, all she takes is a picture of Bucky, even though this is about her forgetting him, she takes hygiene stuff some clothes and personal belongings, especially the ring her and Nat bought. It all fits into a small bag which she carries on her back. Nat and Wanda give her a hug goodbye and Ora stands next to Thor who is looking down at her smiling. In a flash of an eye, a bright glowing light surrounds them lifting them off the ground. They are flying through the sky seeing everything. Ora is astonished. 

"Ah!" Ora shouts as she stumbles onto the ground.

"You will get used to it Lady Ora," Thor chuckles helping her up onto her feet. 

"Thanks, Heimdall," Thor says to a tall man in gold armor. Ora waves hesitantly and he smiles back. Thor leads her to a beautiful black horse that is waiting for their arrival. She straddles the horse and Her and Thor ride alongside each other all the way to the castle. Ora admires the tall gold palace that sparkles in the light. The layers build it up. They make their way through the town area and everyone bows and stares. Ora smiles and waves as they all smile back. They swerve through the buildings that build up Asgard and finally arrive at the palace doors. They jump off the graceful creatures and make their way indoors. The golden palace is huge and magnificent. Ora looks around the hallways as they make their way to the main hall room where a man with a grey beard sits on his thrown

"Lady Ora! I have heard much about you from Thor," His booming voice says as Ora curtsy not knowing what to do. A woman with a caring smile walks over to her.

"I am Frigga Thor's mother, nice to meet you I will take you to your room," She says kindly and Ora agrees. They walk around the massive palace that she is bound to get lost in and finally arrive upon a room. The room is lavish and looks over Asgard with a balcony. There is a massive bed covered in golden sheets. A massive wardrobe takes up a whole wall, filled with Asgardian clothes, mostly dresses. Ora walks around taking in the fine details used to create the lavish room. 

The bathroom is huge, with a lovely shower and a massive sink and mirror. Cabinets are filled with makup and hygiene, but nothing like Oras seen before. She is left alone to unpack and settle in. She opens her small bag, taking out her items. Ora spends a few minutes exploring her room, finding new draws and things. She walks over to the balcony and looks over to see the whole town, everyone's out and about, getting on with their normal life. Ora takes a deep breath in before people catch her eye. A group of people is training in the front garden of the palace. She walks out of the room and starts to make her way down to the group. It takes her a few minutes to navigate the palace before finally finding the door. She walks out and sees the same group. 

"Hey," She says as she approaches. "I hope I am not interrupting anything, but I am staying here for a few nights," Ora says as they stop training and turn to face her.

"Hey, I'm Sif, that's Frandal, Hogan, and Volstagg," Sif says introducing them all.

"Nice to meet you..." He trails off.

"Ora," She says making everyone go quiet and speechless. 

"Like O-R-A?" Sif asks.

"Yes, why?" Ora asks as they all look at each other and then says.

"It doesn't matter, want to train with us?" Hogan asks. Ora agrees and they hand her a sword. She has never worked with swords, only guns and special weapons on earth that they don't seem to have on Asgard. 

"You haven't used a sword have you?" Sif asks.

"I will get used to it," Ora chuckles as they start to fight. Sif lunges forward and Ora blocks it. They fight back and forth for ages not being able to hit each other. Eventually, Sif hits Ora's side.

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