Chapter 2: Unearthed Rage

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I look up to the smoke filled sky in such a way that makes the blood red moon color in my eyes grow ever darker

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I look up to the smoke filled sky in such a way that makes the blood red moon color in my eyes grow ever darker. My kind and merciful soul climbing up to the nothingness that is the space between realms along with the darkened clouds. The longer I stare into the distance, the more I feel the debilitated grip of mortal limits releasing my once generous self. That is not to say that I will resort to evil, but I will have to play devil's advocate if I desire to have even the slightest chance of bringing our enemies to their knees. No one will enter my Kingdom with the intent of wrongdoing and prosper. I close my eyes for a moment and a series of images of my dear friends in distress which only leads me to become more infuriated. This is a new frontier.

     I take one last look into the distance and head straight for my fang-toothed friend, Kallai. He gazes down on me in a way that made him look like he barely recognizes me. He feels that the energy in me has changed from a once forbearing individual, to a never-ending source of darkness and heartlessness. "What is this power you possess Kage? We have not progressed to this level of your training and yet I can feel a raging fire burning within you? What's the matter?" Before I inform him of the disheartening news, I ask him to fly me to a plethora of mountains nearby so that we can discuss it without causing a panic. I climb onto his back and motion for the other dragons, Youkai, Sindri and Wraith to follow us. 

     We approach the mountains and make a graceful landing. Clearly puzzled, Wraith looks at me and says, "You've brought us all with you to the mountains away from the Kingdom which is something you rarely do. Is there something wrong?" I explain to them the nightmares I've been having and the sentiment Rangvald shared of his father and his nightmares and they become more engaged than I've seen them before. "And you're sure this hellish nightmare you describe is what our near future holds? Rangvald has very vaguely spoken to me about these stories but I treated them as such, stories, not visions." I give him a slow nod trying not to hold a grudge that he's never mentioned it to me before. The feeling passes over quickly and I tell Youkai, Sindri and Wraith to head back to the castle and stay alert.

     Kallai and I stare at each other as the other dragon's make their way back and that raging fire that was in my belly from the moment I left Rangvald's workshop is still going strong. "Kage for many years I have been teaching you how to successfully harness the fire that I withhold and the strength you have is remarkable. The way you quickly caught on to the basics makes me see you in a way that allows my heart to believe that you are my own child. You are all I have deep down and I won't lose that to some pest who tries to infiltrate the Kingdom that you built with an open heart and mind. That being said I will have to take your training to a level I thought we would never even grace for years from now. I just need to know that you are ready." I look Kallai in his eyes with a determined look spread across my face, pull out my sword and get into the stance that implies that I'm ready for whatever he throws at me.

     Kallai begins to beat his wings and a robust gust of fiery wind and ashes drubs me in my face but I hold my stance with great strength and my expression hardly changes despite the particles of ash clinging to my charcoal colored eyelashes. I plant my foot into the ground even more so that I can feel the mountain crumbling beneath me and without a second wasted Kallai blasts a ember filled beam at me which I am meant to absorb with my sword and body. The blast meets with the tip of my sword and from there the fire swirls around it and me and I feel a surge of energy flow through my veins. To go from such a basic level to this instantly brings an unbearable pain and soreness upon my body but I continue to hold my stance and absorb the power. Just when I thought the experience was over, Kallai strengthens the blast and the once slim beam was now enormous and my body could hardly take it. I let out a scream that could easily be mistaken for the roar of a dragon being slain with the amount of power that would allow anyone to face a God in defiance and strike them so hard that their immortality becomes nothing but a feeble has been ability.

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