【The First Phase】

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(Please ignore the scythe, you can keep it if you want, it'll come back in the story later

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(Please ignore the scythe, you can keep it if you want, it'll come back in the story later. Everything else can be apart of your outfit.)

Y/N was ridding his broom (like a skateboard) over the city. Even from all the way in the sky, you can smell all the exotic dishes being sold down there. It was so tempting to go and purchase some, but he decided to ignore it .

The small dive restaurant was brought into his vision, making him slow down and glide to the floor. The small wizard jumped off the broom, taking out his magic wand from the satchel hanging off his shoulders .

"Thank you for your service." Even if it was an object, the little wizard thanked all of the magic items he used. He casted a spell, making the broom disappear.

Entering the restaurant to be greeted by a wonderful smell.

"Welcome, welcome, what would you like to order?" The chef, who you guessed is in charge of letting applicants into the exam room

After the exchange of passwords, and direction to the backroom, the sorcerer was sitting in a chair, that was going down. The sounds of creeks, gears grinding, and a quiet hum was heard. It wasn't loud at all, but not hard to notice for the magic prodigy.

He was greeted by a dark room, a grim, depressing atmosphere. Understandable, the thought that your death is near certain to be soon, is quite sad.

A small green creature walked up to you giving you a badge, after informing you that losing it is not an option. You placed it on your chest, admiring the number. 402, weirdly it was serendipitous to you.

"Hello, you must be new to the exam?" you were greeted by a man with brown hair, and an interesting blue outfit. Oddly resembling a blueberry.

Looking the man in the eye, no facial expression was on your face. It didn't take much to realize what he was thinking. "Freak", a common adjective used to describe you. 

"If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!" he gave you a closed eye smile. The fakeness you sensed was strong, and it didn't justify him with the murmurs going around

"The rookie crusher"
"Haha, a new victim"
"Squash 'em like a bug"

"By the way, my name is Tonpa!" he stretched out his hand, waiting for you to shake.

Thanking the heavens you were wearing gloves, you only pinched on finger, shaking it in disgust. It obviously wasn't visible enough because he kept talking.

"Oh! Here, you go!" he reached into his bag pulling out an orange carbonated drink.

"Think of it as a toast to our friendship!" he thrusted it to you, reluctantly you gave in hoping he'd walk away after you took it.

He continued to look you in the eye, waiting for you to drink in.

*Click*..*Pshhh* the smell of poison filled your nose, it wasn't as bad as your potion, so you didn't gag.

"I have a keen eye for liars." you dropped the drink on the floor, some of it spilling on his shoes, but magically you were perfectly clean

"If you wanna poison someone, I suggest strychnine, it's a bit harder to detect a powder in a drink you can hardly see."

Tonpa's eyes shot wide, giving you a half assed apology, finally walking away not forgetting to grumble.

As if on que, three more people entered the room. One with spiky green hair, a taller blonde, and an even taller brown haired male dressed in a suit.

Suddenly, a blood curdling scream was heard.

Then, flowers started flying. It was truly beautiful. You caught one, only for it to only immediately vanish.

"My, how unusual. Seems this poor man's arms have turned into flower petals. Now you see them, now you don't. You should be more careful, and do apologize if you bump into someone."

You were still dazzled by the beautiful scene you saw. Obviously, everyone else was terrified, but you saw it in a different point of view. 

Hisoka sensed an aura, differing from the usual fear. You two locked eyes, making you and him give small smile, which you unintentionally returned.

The devil blueberry tried the same trick on the new arrivals, only to fail again. The look on his face almost made you laugh.

"Hey! Mr. Tonpa! That juice was great, got anymore?"

He was either dumb, or immune to poison. I think it's the second one.

"Worried? Poisons don't hurt me."

Your suspicions were cleared, to be correct. 

Suddenly a tall, skinny man with purple hair, no mouth, a suit, and a curly mustache.

"I apologize for the wait. The entry period for Hunter applicants has ended. The Hunter Exam will now begin. A final caution: if you are short on luck or ability, you could very well end up seriously injured, or even dead. Those who accept those risk, please follow me. Otherwise, please exit via elevator behind you."

As expected, nobody left. It would be a waste of time to leave now. With what I've been told it took a lot of effort just to find an exam navigator. I thanked the heavens that I was given a lead.

"Very well. All 405 applicants will participate in phase one." 

The examiner turned around and started walking, quite strangely. It was entertaining to watch.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am Satotz, I will be leading you to phase two of the exam."

"Huh? Phase two, what happened to phase one?" You rolled your eyes in annoyance. The answer is so obvious. 'You're probably dying first.' the little witch mentally snapped.

"I am the phase one examiner, I will be leading you...." His voice faded out as you stopped walking, wanting to get behind everyone. Some people looked at you strangely, but ignored you.

"Please come forth, your assistance is needed." you said quietly. Out of nowhere your magic broom came to you.

"This is obviously going to take a while, I'll determine the distance" pulling out your wand, you casted a spell making a third eye.

"Around 80 kilometers. Can you hold out that long?" you obviously knew your broom could, and it's not like it could talk back.

"Alright, let's go"

You rode your broom, once again like a skateboard.

After catching up with the crowd, you floated over all the contestants, hiding your presence. 

You felt like you were cheating, but realized you just had to follow the examiner. Everyone else just didn't have a trusty magic broom, or skateboard.

Some time has passed, nobody noticed you yet. You were casually reading a book when you heard a shout.

"Hey! Wait up, kid! You should show the hunter exam some respect!"

You recognize the man, he was the last person to enter you believed. Looking down you saw him shouting at the white haired boy from before. He was riding a skateboard.

"What do you mean?" the sapphire eyed boy said

"Why are you using a skateboard? That's cheating!" the six foot man said, clearly out of breathe. You believed he wished he had a skate board as well. Obviously he was struggling. 

"Why?" he replied, very monotoned.

"Why... this is an endurance test!" he puffed out

"No it isn't" the green haired boy defended the stranger.

"Gon what are you saying?" He almost sounded betrayed, his what you believed to be friend didn't back him up.

"The examiner only said to follow him." this made you agree, non verbally.

"It's fine, I'll just run." the fluffy haired boy did a trick, which ended with the skateboard in his hand, and a him running.

"Ooooo~" you said quietly. Luckily, nobody heard.

More time passed, and you were hanging upside down reading, it almost seemed as if gravity didn't affect you. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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