An alien inside me ?!

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My bags fell at my feet, I took a step forward a small smile planted on my face. I breathe in and I am filled with the sweet smell's that I have missed. I was home.

Coming home would of been perfect if there wasn't one tiny thing missing. My mum. She hadn't picked me up from the airport like we had arranged I waited for 2 hours and she didn't show up. Luckily I had money for a cab and we had a spare door key hidden, I have been trying to ring her for ages and she wont pick up her bloody phone.

I dragged my bags upstairs into my room and started to unpack the hundreds things that I had brought back with me from school. I put away all my clothes and when I say put away I mean throw in my wardrobe hoping they will still be wearable, then I unpack all my makeup and hair essentials and place them in random places on my dressing table. My room nearly looked perfect I just need to do one more thing to my bed.

ONE !" I shout outloud and take a big step back. "TWO" I crouch down into a running start position. "THREEEEEE !" I charge forward towards my bed leaping into the air and falling softly on it, I roll around on the bed messing up the covers and pillows. Now my room was perfect.

I climb off my bed and smiled at the work I had just created, maintaing a messy room was not easy I can tell you. You have people constantly trying to tidy things up and then you can never find anything as they have messed up the order you have created.

It aint about the money money money

Shit weres my phone.....

We don't need your money money money

I had it a moment ago....

We just wanna make the world dance

AHHHHHH ! Thats it my phone is lost forever.

Forget about the price tag

.......Found it.

Aint about the-

"Hello...." I put on an australlian accent as I talk down the phone.

"Hello is that sheila..." I am answered with an australlian accent returned.

"Yes, Is that.....Digaredoo..." I forgot an australlian name.

"Digaredoo ? What the fuck Macey ?" I can hear my best friend Molly giggling down the phone.

"It's Australlian !" I protest. "Anyone come over, my mum never showed up and home alone !" I whine down the phone.

"Okay, Okay, I shall be round in ten" Molly replies.

"Yay ! Bye" I hang up the phone and skip downstairs to get some films ready for me and Molly to watch.

I rummage through my film cabniet looking for somne decent films for me and Molly to watch. I decide on The hangover, The unborn and Paranormal activity, I lay out the films out on the table before going into the kitchen to get some popcorn and sweets ready.

Knock. Knock.

I run to the door and swing it open, I lunge myself forward and wrap my arms around Molly.

"MOLLY I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH." I hug Molly even tighter.

"Erm......I was just going to say hey but the hug works" A deep voice whispers in my ear.

I pull myself away to find a tall boy with blonde hair standing infront of me with a massive grin on his face.

"Back off Im a ninja." I bring up my arms up and pose in a ninja position.

Me,Myself And A School Full Of Teenage Boys.Where stories live. Discover now