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Through the doors and into the Captain's Quarters, Catherine and Jack were face-to-face with Captain Barbossa once more, as he sat down in his chair like a king on his throne. They came to stop before the large circular table he sat. Catherine ripped her arms from the man, she had come to realize, who was the quartermaster. Out of all possible men, the largest and scariest man was assigned to move her, not Jack. She supposed there was a compliment in there somewhere about her abilities, or it was mainly as a precaution she didn't act up, either way she found it a compliment.

Barbossa gave a nod, waving off the two men that brought in Jack and Catherine. He waited for them to disappear out of the room before he spoke, "I hope you are finding it comfortable aboard my ship." There was a jab in his words directed to Jack, causing Catherine to give him a small glance. Nothing rested on his face but it still caused something to stir in her.

"What do you want?" Catherine questioned harshly, giving unamused glare as she crossed her arms over her chest, earning a small, nearly silent tsk from Jack.

The older pirate gave a chuckle, leaning back in his chair as he studied Catherine. "Quite the wife you got there, Jack." Barbossa dragged his name, slowly shifting his eyes to the man.

Jack gave a tight-lip grin, curling his arm around Catherine's waist, "You have no idea." The action alone made Catherine freeze before looking down at his arm and glancing to him, a gentle, nearly shy gaze in her eyes. It grew when Jack turned his head to look at her, the expression on his face gone. He gave her waist a small, comforting squeeze, silently asking if this was alright. When she gave a small nod, he turned his attention back to Barbossa, oblivious to the small blush growing.

"Have a seat." Barbossa spoke coolly, slowly waving his hand to the chairs closest to them.

The pretend husband and wife shared a looked, turning to sit down in chairs. Jack scooted his chair close to Catherine, leaning back in it as he casually draped his hand on her crossed knee. How he did the action so naturally was still a mystery to her. The mystery only continued when she placed her hand on top of his, filling the gaps in between his fingers. Jack furrowed his brows in confusion as he looked at her. She saw the softness in his eyes as she nonchalantly looked to him, squeezing his hand. A hint of a smile rested on his lips, his eyes flickering to their hands before looking back at Barbossa.

"Tis all very touching here." He said, giving a phony, sincere smile. Skepticism had been drawn on the pirate's face since it was announced she was Jack's wife. It confused her how curious Barbossa had been with their marriage. Was it because he wanted her? Or was it because Jack is the type to never settle and only whore around? She didn't know, and she wasn't sure she wanted to find out either. 

Barbossa reached to his pet monkey that dangled beside his head, keeping his eyes on the couple. "How long have you been married?" He questioned, furrowing his brows together.

Jack shifted in his seat for a moment, not expecting a questioning of their marriage.

Catherine, on the other hand, had been preparing for it. For hours, she had mentally been preparing for their whole backstory, ready to answer any questions, and give smart remarks about her husband forgetting.

"We've been married for half of a year." She replied instantly, keeping her gaze firm and unfaltering on the pirate before her.

Barbossa squinted at her, giving a slow nod. He turned his attention to Jack, "What made you fall in love with her? Surely, can't be the attitude and sweet words she speaks."

It took everything within her not to give a growl. Fingers locked through hers gave a gentle squeeze.

"What can I say? I love violent, fiery woman. Ironically, it was the sweet words that made me intrigued by my Catherine." Jack rolled his head to Catherine, flashing his signature grin and throwing a wink in her direction. She wondered if that held any truth. Jack continued, "The threats, the names, the remarks, everything. I didn't care what it was, so long as it came from her lips." His eyes flickered to her lips, making Catherine nearly purse hers as she thought back to the cell.

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