Manami x Child!Reader I

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Request from x5383zkx

There she sat down, looking at her feet while swinging on the swing she sat on. She was rather used to playing by herself. She would always sit by the park and wait till the sun has set then went on her way, most likely returning to her home. Days turns to week. The azure headed boy always saw her sitting by herself. He would pass by in the afternoon and evening and there she sat still.

The young man felt pure concern for the little child. She has no friend playing with her, the park was on top of the hill, a quite a bit of distance from the neighborhood. At least for child of her age.

"What are you doing here?" He asked,

She looked up, observing the young man with her round and pure eyes. She pondered long and hard.

"My teacher said I shouldn't talk to strangers."

He smiled, thinking how cute the girl was.

"That's right. I'm a stranger. Because I'm a stranger, I'll introduce myself so we're not a stranger anymore. How about it?"

She nods.

"I'm Sangaku. Manami Sangaku. And your name?"

"My name is (L/N)(Y/N). I'm 10! Nice to meet you, Manami nii-chan!" She bowed.

Once again, he thought about how adorable the little girl was. He smiled with contentment.

She looked down and mutter something,

He picked it up, "What's wrong?" He asked with a smile.

She shook her head.

"It's nothing. What are you doing here nii-chan?"

He pondered, "well because I'm tired?" And lean his head on one side with question tone. "Then (Y/N)-chan, what are you doing here alone? Where are your friends?"

"Hmmmm, (Y/N) like it here that's why I cane here. There are kitty here! Kitty often come and play with (y/n)! Kitty is my friend! Ah but today Kitty didn't come..."

He felt pity,

"(Y/N)-chan, wanna be friends?"

"Not yet! To be friends, we have to play first to become friends!"

He chuckles, "then to be friends, let's play together?"

She shook her head again,

"(Y/n) can't play now because I have to go home. Mommy said I have to go home early today. Mommy will be mad if (Y/n) doesn't go home soon."

He pat her head, "then hurry home you go! I'll come again tomorrow. It'll be around this time."

She smiled, "Okay! That's a promise!"

There she goes, running home as he waved to her.

"Be careful on your way home!" He shouts as she fades with the background.

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