Manami x Child!Reader II

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The blue sky turns to orange, and the child came back as promised. The child sat on the swing, looking down and kicking the sand all over. Wondering about when would this nice blue headed young man arrive. The orange sky soon turns darker but the blue haired man was not seen, not a trace not a glimpse of him.

The child felt desperate, wanting to meet this man, someone she thought as a friend for the first time. 'just a little bit more' she thought.

She decided to wait for him despite her curfew. Alas, the man didn't show up. She walk home when the sky is dark. She felt disappointed and sad. She tried to keep herself positive, thinking maybe he's busy with something, thinking, maybe that's why he couldn't come.

The road was dark but she made her way safely to her residence. She couldn't stop thinking on how mad her mother would be. Her small and thin limbs were shaking, shivering from the thought. Slowly, the little girl entered the house.

Not long after the child entered, a hysterical screaming and shattered loud noises could be heard.

Her plead couldn't be heard. Her voice was gone due to her fears of this mother. Loud noises and a slight screaming of a child could be heard in between.

After some hours of hellishly rough treatment and beating, did the little girl was finally spared.

She thought to herself, that none of the people in the world wants her. Her mother, who would beat her on a wimp. Someone who she thought as a friend for the first time to disappear without a trace. Classmates that only knew how to threw papers and scribble her table. There she goes, crying silently in the dirty corner of her room.

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