Prologue: The beginning of the future

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This children is the tale of the legendary and mythical hero named Oltairero wells dragron. Reaching from his past and down to his descendants.

CH.1 The roots of our heritage

This is of how we of our bloodline came to be in this world. Beings known as leixien were in danger of extinction, and seeing their home world being destroyed by pollution and destruction they had constructed a device to travel between dimensions, seeing it as their last resort they traveled between nine realities, each one wracked by havok, but they also picked up wandering stragglers who also needed a new home. The leixien leader Oltairero vals agreed to take in these beings in search of a new home. All ranging from shifter wolves to lycans, from a series of five different tribes of vampires. When they had finally arrived at the only dimension with a stable environment. They decided to lay down roots and to protect this world better than their old ones. This land was such a beauty, lush green grassy areas and forestry abounded the entirety of the realm, all refugees dispersed when word of permanent stay was declared. This marked the beginning of the glorious future that layered the foundation of our world now.

CH.2 Evil followed

Among the refugees were a group called the dyapha, wondrous masters of machinery and biological scientists, they isolated themselves far from the capital of leixia and brought along a society by infusing urbanization with the forestry, following the imposed laws set by the leixan to not corrupt this realm like their last homes. But they had other things in mind. At the time there was peace and understanding between the tribes and different beings who had made they're home as comfortably as possible, new creatures began to appear to them, some came before the leaders of the leixan and identified themselves as the inhabitants of the realm, among them were giant hairy humanoids called cosém, they were friendly towards the newcomers and welcomed them, teaching them the way of the forest and how to survive. The leixan tribe had become the central group of the entire realm, quickly managing the realm with the utmost correct judgement. But alas that peace and understanding didn't last long when a lone leixan girl was devoured by a cosém, the beast captured and executed they confronted the hairy humanoids for answers, the only thing they said was that their brethren was gone since a month ago, and he looked tortured. This turned into suspicion quick enough that they couldn't trust anyone, causing a curfew to be set. The next incident was a young vampire couple were staked and burnt to a crisp, due to suspicion of killing a child, the leixan leaders banished the vampires to their respected regions, some to sea, others to the mountains, some to remain in their mansions, and others left without a word, but the daywalking vampires hid their nature and lived among the populace. Soon enough more and more creatures disappeared and appeared, decomposing corpses were seen devouring a vampire, and some were poisoned to death by mid sized spiders, the size of great Danes, more malevolent creatures kept appearing over the course of the years, same as the refugees and inhabitants learned to defend themselves, wielding weapons fashioned by natural sources, swords, bows and arrows and primitive looking traps, they slowly pushed back the evil hordes of the undead. Until one fateful evening the horde had broken through the wall and were invading the giant metropolis, quickly bringing everything to ruin, the leixan elders looked to their leader who was once a legendary warrior, now an older man in his fifties. He sat on his throne, awaiting the appearance of the true evil. When suddenly the doors flew open and the horde of corpses slowly filled the room, and one man walked between them, smiling smuggly as the horde parted to let him through. Oltairero raised his head and looked to him, standing up and walking down from his throne. "Viktus...of the you are the one behind everything" he spoke clearly, pushing back his raven black hair out of his eyes, viktus only stared at him and grinned from ear to ear "And you're the fool who's going to die tonight...and there's nothing you can do to stop me.." He grinned and unsheathed his sword, pointing it towards oltairero. He sighed and looked at viktus then at the horde around them "I first have to clean up...excuse me...cuchillos de Sol..." He shined brightly the light piercing and disintegrating the horde to nothing "OK...ready young viktus?" He smirked and drew his own longsword, holding it with a single hand.

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