The past tragedy, futures curse

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This is the creation of Oltairero wells dragron, his life, of how It came to be and twisted right into my story.

Ch.6. Years after the tragedy

It had been seven years since our leader Oltairero was killed and three since his son captured by the horrible tyrant called viktus. These two occurrences happened in a ten year span, now it's been five years since Gearhart was captured, the resistance had dwindled since the loss of its strongest warrior. The shifters pleas werestill going unheard and their situation was worsening by the week.

Sylvio and shannen were out on patrol when they saw two cyborg sentries patrolling outside their perimeter. "HEY...WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT OUR LEADERS LATEST PROJECT?" One of the sentries said in a very robotic voice, " mean the weapon to end the war. I think it's a waste of time, creating that thing is distracting him from the battlefield. Let's get going, we've strayed far from our land. Also fix your voice box Jensen!" The other cyborg said Cooley, "JENSEN 6504 TO BE CORRECT, YEAH LET'S GO" they both quickly hopped away into the sanctuary of the dyapha territory. Both Sylvio and shannen looked at each other in fear and excitement "At last, we have a bit of information let's head back and tell the others" he whispered and turned around, suddenly her hand was on his shoulder "Hold up...I hear someone else coming towards us..." they both layed low in their hiding place as a third cyborg strolled by "Wonder where Jensen and bons went...last coordinates were here..." She watched the cyborg walk around in circles as an idea hatched inside her mind "Sylvio...Let's take that machine down...I got an idea..." She smiled devilishly as Sylvio followed along not sure what the plan was. "Those two must have left already...huh what was that..." the cyborg scanned the area as it thought he heard a noise. He crept slowly and silently into a clearing "Strange no one here...must have heard an animal..." it's head jerked to the side in a quick reflex, stopping sylvios shortsword with both hands "Ah a rebel...bad timing...You shouldn't have tried that..." it blinked as a dagger impaled itself under its chest plate piercing it's heart "Good job Sylvio! He didn't expect two of us!" The cyborg fell limp on the ground, little to no blood spilled onto the earthy floor.

Minutes later the two stripped the cyborg clean of its armor, it was a disgusting sight seeing the naked and deformed body of the dead cyborg "Ew...I should've thought this through..." She groaned as she clicked and snapped the armor on herself "I still say I should go...but there's no stopping you is there..." he sighed placing the helmet on her "Good luck to ya, I'll go report our findings and of our current plan, be safe" he waved off and ran towards rebel base. She felt heavy and awkward walking around in the armor but soon enough she had practiced enough to run in the heavy suit, reaching the dyapha base was easier than reaching the rebel HQ "Cocky bastard...not even attempting to hide his base..." she shook her head in frustration as she casually walked around the base, the occasional cyborg saluting her and going about their way. When suddenly she was stopped by a cyborg sentinel, the elite robots in the dyapha army, seven foot tall giants "EXCUSE ME...ITS COME TO MY ATTENTION THAT YOU ARE NOT ONE OF US, STATE YOUR MODEL AND GIVE ME A REALLY GOOD REASON..." he towered over her by two feet, she nervously shook and thought quickly, speaking the first thing that sounded the most believable "Oh I'm a brand new model, cyborg fem model...of course I'm just the prototype...and I still don't have my own armor yet..." She looked up at it and waited it's response, it tilted it's head and kneeled down to her height, turning on its x-ray eyes, scanning her body for anything suspicious "YOUR ARMOR IS WORN OUT AND YOUR BODY LOOKS ORGANIC..." it shut off its x-ray eyes and stood back up, "Really? They said they created me to infiltrate the rebel scum without arousing suspicion, I was told I looked completely human, that's why I was given this armor plating..." She stuck to her story fiercely, wondering if the cyborg was gullible "GO ON ABOUT YOUR WAY...I'LL LOOK INTO THIS NEW PROJECT LATER..." She screamed and cheered internally "Oh one more thing, I seem to have lost my way, can you point me the direction of the projects lab?" She hoped and realized she had made a mistake "JUST FOLLOW THE YELLOW MARKER BACK...HAPPENS TO EVERYONE AT FIRST..." he saluted and stomped off on his patrol, she staggered on her feet, her heart pounding quickly in her chest "That was too close...better keep my mouth shut..." She hit her metal head and ran off towards the lab.

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