Kids (Part 2)

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Sean's POV

I knew it.

I fucking knew that their mom had been hitting them — abusing them.

I've had my suspicions for a while, especially yesterday.

When they sat on my floor sobbing, and didn't let me touch them for an hour.

When they'd wince every time they sat down.

Or when they jumped every time I put my arm around their shoulder.

Or when I laid them down in my bed they immediately woke up and made a face like they were in pain.

As soon as my hand ran up their back, I knew they were expecting me to pull away and ask questions when I felt the scars, but it only made me want to never let go, just sit there and kiss them forever.

I wanted to show that I would always be there for them, since me saying it was never enough.

And I wanted to make sure they were physically okay.

So I decided to go ahead and check, because running your hands around someone's waist or their back while kissing them is normal, right?

I was hoping not to feel anything though, that their really obvious signs that they were hurting was just my imagination, but it wasn't.

Their back felt like it was torn to shreds.

And that was the worst feeling that I've felt in a while.

Fuck, why didn't they tell me?

Maybe they were scared of what I would think?

Even with all of these thoughts, I knew they didn't tell me for a reason, so I didn't ask.

If they wanted me to know the story of how the scars ended up on their back, they could tell by themself.

I don't want to force them to talk about it if they aren't comfortable.

I didn't want to take them back there. I wanted them to stay with me in my room, so I could look after them, make sure they eat and take care of themself... I didn't want them anywhere near somebody who physically hurt them like that.

"Sean..." I heard (Y/N) call from their front door. 
I quickly ran up to see what the problem was.

It was a box, full of clothes, with "Don't come back" written on the front. 

I looked at them. Their expression was mixed.

They looked glad they didn't have to see their mom, but they looked worried. (Y/N) noticed I looked worried too.

"Don't worry," They said, "She would've killed me if she saw this on my neck regardless."

Pointing to the three hickeys I just gave them on the right side of their neck.

I blushed, remembering how I did that out of panic.

I knew they were losing their breath. I could tell when they had stopped breathing, but I didn't want our moment to end.

We're Just Kids (Sean Diaz x NB Reader)Where stories live. Discover now