Tetsurou Kuroo

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You're the manager for the Nekoma volleyball club.

Y/n= your name

Bold indicates flashback

Italic is thoughts

I walked into the gym and saw Kuroo and Kenma talking. "You're early." I said as I walked up to them. "I was dragged here so a certain someone could get some extra practice in." Kenma said mockingly. Kuroo laughed and put his arm on top of my head. "So Chibi-Chan what are you doing this weekend?" Kenma rolled his eyes at Kuroo and walked away to play on his phone. "You know just cause I'm shorter than you doesn't mean I'm an arm rest." He lifted his arm off my head and got down on his knees clasping his hands together. "OH PLEASE I BEG FOR FORGIVENESS!!! I DON'T KNOW HOW I COULD LIVE WITH MYSELF IF I OFFENDED YOU!!!" Kuroo was half laughing as he said it. "Fine you're forgiven, peasant." I looked over to Kenma and saw him shaking his head at us. "And If you must know I plan on being lonely all weekend." Kuroo laughed at my answer and I along with him. "How about I take you on a date then?" Nice Tetsurou. "And why should I Tetsu?" He pouted out his front lip, "Because you love me so much and I'm your favorite person ever!" How cute. "Wrong! Yaku is my favorite." Lies. You're actually my favorite person ever. I just can't say it out loud "So is that a no?" He pouted even more. Your pouty face is cute. "I mean I wouldn't mind going on a date with you." I'd love to in fact. "How about I come and pick you up on Saturday at one? You don't need to wear anything special, just some casual clothes." He jumped up off the floor and spun me around before going over to Kenma. 

Kuroo POV

I walked over to Kenma to tell him the good news. "Kenma! Kenma! They said yes!" He looked up and smiled at me. "I'm proud of you Kuroo. I never thought you'd actually ask." "Well you were wrong. Please don't do the thing you always do when I ask someone out." It's so embarrassing. "I'm doing it Kuroo. I don't care if you agree or not. I have to." I sighed knowing his mind was set on it. He got up and walked over to Y/n. Oh no. Here we go again.


I saw Kenma walking over to me and Yaku. "I wonder what he wants." I elbowed Yaku in the ribs, "Don't start." We don't need a repeat of last time. I was helping put away the poles. Once I exited the storage closet I saw Yamamoto waiting next to the door nervously. "Y/N!!" I looked over to him wondering what he wanted. I walked over to him and he seemed to become more nervous. "You don't always have to yell, you know." Kenma said as he walked out the door. Yamamoto stuck his tongue out at him. Such a child. "What do you need Yamamoto?" He started stuttering and getting all flustered. "Well you see I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me tomorrow?" He smiled and looked at his feet. "OH HELL NO! Y/N I FORBID IT!" Thank you, Yaku. I owe you. "Why not?!?!" I left before I could hear why.

"Hey Y/n can I talk to you? Alone." He walked past me motioning for me to follow. "So what you need?" He turned around and motioned for me to sit on the bench. We both sat in silence for a minute or two. He finally spoke up, "He likes you a lot. Please don't lead him on or hurt him." I would never do that. "I promise I won't." He looked like he had more to say so I just waited. "I know you won't. I trust you. You're different from the rest of them. That's a good thing by the way," He stopped for a minute and looked at me, "The last person he was with used him in more ways than one. They made him believe that they were in love with him. So when he went to their house and found them hooking up with some random guy he was broken. For a long time. I was there for him every day and every night. I made sure he didn't do anything irrational. He told me everything that went on in that relationship. When he was done I explained to him how shitty he was being treated. I explained to him what a healthy relationship looks like. He said he doesn't wanna go back to a toxic one like that. So if you can't provide that for him I want you to leave. Sorry for rambling." I know I had teary eyes. "I promise I won't. I swear on my life." He nodded his head and stood up. I stood up as well and just as I was about to walk away Kenma grabbed my wrist, "He won't either." I know. He let go of my wrist and we went back to practice.

The rest of the week went by fast. I couldn't wait until Saturday I guess. Now that it's here all I feel is nervous. That's normal, right? I brushed it off and got into the shower. It helped me relax a little. When I got out I went to my bed to put on the outfit I'd laid out earlier. It was a blue and pink striped shirt and a pair of black jeans with some black converse. I blow dried my hair and went downstairs to wait. When I went downstairs my parents were clearly wanting to talk to me. "Y/n please sit, we need to speak before you go." They gestured to the chair across from them. Please don't be about sex. I beg of you. Spare me the trauma. "You're still you so please no se-" I just had to interrupt them, "No. ew. please. no. I know not to, ok?" They laughed a little at me. Rude. I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. "Hello Tetsu!" I said cheerily. I smiled and checked out his outfit. Kinda hot. "Like what you see?" He said, chuckling. Embarrassing. I blushed bright red. "Ready to go?" I nodded my head and stepped out of the house. "Have them back by nine sharp." I saw Kuroo nod from the corner of my eye. "So where are you taking me?" He shrugged his shoulders and said it was a surprise.

We walked for about thirty minutes talking about random things that came to mind. "Ok, we're almost there. I just need you to cover your eyes and trust me, ok?" What are you up to Kuroo? I did as he said and was following him blindly for a good two minutes. "Ok we're here!" I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful picnic table full of some of my favorite foods with small lanterns strug between close trees. "It's beautiful." More than beautiful. I just can't find the right words for it. He smiled and brought me over to the picnic table. "I thought you might like it." While we were eating we talked about life and told jokes. "We should get going shouldn't we?" I looked at my phone and noticed the time. 8:20 pm. I agreed and we cleaned up and started to walk back to my house. It was a comfortable silence on the way back with us just enjoying each other's company.

When we got to my door we hugged and he started to walk down the driveway. "Tetsu," he turned back toward me, "Thank you. It was the best date I've been on in a while. I hope we can do it again." I kissed him on the cheek and went inside.

Kuroo POV

They kissed me! Even if it was just on the cheek, I'll cherish it forever. I gotta tell Kenma about this.

Hope you liked it :D

I'll try and update this book and my MHA/BNHA oneshot book every day

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