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a/n im updating this twice because if i don't i will forget to write apart about eren and reiner wedding because they are married in the chapter before this so in joy also this is a flashback and sorry if it's bad im not good at writing weddings

*eren pov*
me and reiner have been dating for almost 3 years and today he asked me to marry him and of course i said yes because i want to be forever

Reiner: hey my love

Eren: yes

Reiner: can invite some friends

Eren: sure you didn't need to ask

Reiner: i know but you won't have anyone there so i thought you might say no

Eren: i will have someone there i have armin

Reiner: yeah i forgot about him

Eren: who are you inviting

Reiner: just some friends

Eren: i know that who are they

Reiner: oh yeah well there is Peick and Porco and Bertholdt and Zeke

Eren: oh ok

Reiner: yeah

*two days before the wedding*

Reiner: im so nerves

Peick: it's going to be ok

Reiner: what if he changes his mind

Peick: i don't think he will change his mind from what i have seen he love's you very much

Reiner: yeah

Porco: suck it up winifred

Peick: you're not helping

Zeke: Peick is right you're not

Porco: fine

Reiner: thanks im more stressed then i was before

Peick: sorry

Reiner: it's fine

*day of wedding*

Eren: am i making the right choice

Armin: yes you are he makes you happy right

Eren: yes he does

Armin: then you're making the right choice . you ready

Eren: yes

*with reiner*

Porco: how are you doing

Reiner: scared as hell

Porco: you will be fine

Bertholdt: you look great

Reiner: thanks Bertholdt

Porco: oh i don't get a thank you

Zeke: shush it's starting

Reiner: shit

Eren: *pecks head out of door* you know what never mind

Armin: no you don't look at me

Eren: ok

Armin: you have started death in the face and survived so you can walk down there and marry the man you love

Eren: you're right i can

Armin: that's the spirit now come on

Eren: ok i can do this

Armin: yes you can *throws open the door*

Eren: i can do this

Armin: yup to late to turn back

Eren: it's never to late

Armin: will you just go

Eren: here we go *walks down the aisle*

Reiner: you look great

Eren: thank you

Reiner: you're welcome

Preacher: dearly beloved we are gathered here to day to unite there's to in hole machrmon

Reiner: psst

Eren: what

Reiner: look

Eren: mm *looks behind him* Jean and Marco are here and so is Ymir and Historia

Reiner: yeah i had Marco tell Jean you were alive

Eren: thank you

Preacher: do you Reiner Braun take Eren Yeager to be you're lawfully wedded husband

Reiner: i do

Preacher: and do you Eren Yeager take Reiner Braun to be lawfully wedded husband

Eren: i do

Preacher: i now pronounce you husband and husband you may kiss the groom

Reiner: *kisses eren*

Everyone: *claps*

Reiner: hello mr Braun

Eren: hello to you to

* 30 min later*

Marco: congrats

Eren: thank you im glad you're here

Marco: yeah it took some convincing to Jean that you were alive but he finely believed me in the end

Eren: well im glad you came

Ymir: i didn't think you would go through with it i thought you would have ran away

Historia: Ymir be nice

Eren: im glad you're here

Historia: im glad you're alive

Eren: yeah sorry about that i just wanted Mikasa to stop looking for me

Historia: i understand and she did her and Sasha got engaged

Eren: that's amazing

Historia: yeah

Reiner: may i stile him away from you 4

Historia: You may

Reiner: thank you

Eren: what's up

Reiner: nothing

Eren: oh ok

Reiner: how are you doing

Eren: im doing great how about you

Reiner: im great i was scared for a little that you were going to runaway

Eren: i was thinking about it because i was so nervous but armin talked me out of it

Reiner: well im glad he did

Eren: me to

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