i thought i lost you my love

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*reiner pov*

I was running as fast as i can because a few seconds ago armin told me eren was eaten by a titan. I don't know were im going but all i know is i need to find that titan that eat eren i told myself because i didn't want to except he was gone even though armin would never lie.

b: reiner wait

r: i can't bert i have to find the fucking titan

b: but reiner there's nothing you can do he's gone

r: no i can find him i can save him

b: listen to you're self do you hear what you're saying

r: yes i hear myself but i know he's not gone i just know it

b: reiner......

r: no bertholdt it's my fault he got eaten if we didn't kick down wall rose this wouldn't have happened would it

b:.no it wouldn't

r: so let try to find him please

b: ok

r: thank you bertholdt

b: you're welcome reiner now go before i change my mind

*three hours later*

r: dame it were is that fucking titan maybe bert was right maybe he is gone maybe i did lose him for good

j: reiner oh thank god i found you

r: what is it jean

j: it's eren he's still alive

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