[3] Sly

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Sly's POV


The only name that ran through my mind... Auralee.

She had left about an hour ago, after finalizing her car deal. I had given her my business card, right before we were so rudely interrupted by Ronald, but I'll give the old man some slack; he was just doing his job.

I wondered if she would call me. Would she? Maybe not, but the way her body reacted to me, without even one single touch, I knew I'd be expecting a call.

She was a beautiful girl- medium green eyes, brunette hair that reached right at the center of her back; the perfect length for me to pull as I took her from behind.

Her slim torso, accentuated with tits that would fit incredibly in the palms of my hands, and God, her lips... her soft pink lips were a piece of fucking art. The way they parted as I spoke to her, the way she bit her bottom...

I'd spank her ass black and blue if she teased me like that again, I thought.

But I couldn't do that- not just yet... not until she was mine.

Interrupting my thoughts, Ronald sat back down in his chair. I had shown up to the dealership to talk to him about the new schedule we were going to have. Sometimes I'd come here to do business, or just to do think, but in all honesty, the old fucker was some great company. Something about his presence was pretty relaxing-

"What are you thinking about," the gray haired man asked as he sat back in his chair, taking a sip of his steaming coffee. Being that he ran the place, he had just closed up shop, so him sitting here, drinking coffee, meeting with me in a car dealership, late at night became his new norm.

As my fingers mindlessly danced on my chin, all I thought about was Auralee.

Would I admit that to this prude? No.

"Hm," he hummed.

My eyes snapped to his, "what," I asked.

"I know exactly what's got those wheels of yours turning," he said as he pointed to me, with a knowing look on his smug face.

I glared at him, only because I knew that he knew, but boy was it a pain in the ass when he could do that. The fuck was this guy before I met him- a psychic?

"And what might that be," I responded confidently. I was well aware that he knew the answer, but fuck, I didn't want his commentary right now.

"The girl," he said simply, as he sat his coffee mug down, ending with a soft thud on the desk.

"What girl," I asked, attempting to play dumb.

"The brunette. Auralee, her name is," he said cockily.

Tsk, I knew that already, old man. Catch up.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I replied just as cockily, while throwing in an eye roll.

"You like her," he inquired, with a quirked brow.

"No. She just looks like a good fuck," I responded shrugging, knowing I was lying through my goddamn teeth.

He shook his head as he looked down, "you kids these days, all you do is think about sex. What happened to settling down?"

"Well why don't you go and get some pussy, old man? Might knock out the stick in your ass," I asked, suddenly getting defensive.

His chuckle made it's way through the room, "I'm sure no woman wants to deal with a guy that has a hundred bodies on his hands."

I cocked my eyebrow, "you fucked the same woman your whole life, what are you on about?"

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