Watch for me

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"Watch for me," you tell f/n.

It's your homecoming dance and c/n was standing right over there. You've been imagining he'd ask you to slow dance for a long time and tonight was the night it might happen.

F/n was watching for c/n to look this way and was whispering to you every time it happened. It was making your day. Soon enough, it was the last slow dance. You saw c/n coming your way... your heart started to race... and then it happened. He turned around. And he walked back the other way. What? You were disappointed but not surprised. You never thought it would really happen. You and f/n decide to go home.


It was the Sunday morning of the monthly breakfast at the Legion Hall. You were eating breakfast with your family when your mom started looking at you funny. Glancing back and forth from you and someone in line. Finally, you took the hint. You gave your mom a smile as butterflies filed your stomach. You finished your breakfast and threw your plate away. You knew c/n was still there and you decided to take a breather outside on the small playground in front of the building. You go and sit on a swing outside and try to regather yourself. Then all of a sudden, c/n appears.

He looks at you and smiles. You see him come your way and try to keep your cool.

"I don't believe we got a chance to dance on Friday," c/n says. You smile as he offers you his hand. You gladly take it. It feels like you're the only two in the world! You dance to the music of the wind for what feels like ever. It was the best day!

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