Part 2

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Until my phone started playing 'Loca by Shakira'

I flipped it open and saw the caller ID.

"Ais, sorry I didn't answer the texts I was a little busy.."

"OMAAGOSH!! You, him!!" She then continued to sing 'Lets get it on..'

"EW EW I know I don't know what The hell I was thinking!! Whats Leo going to think? Im not some kind of slut, seriously! And I'm sorry I left you there, and yes I do OWE you BIG!! Thanks again."

"Holaaa You don't have to worry about this do ya? Were best friends after all, it's unfortunately my job.. And as for that YOUR 17, it's NOT illegal to have it, I suppose it is because he's an adult.. But you know what I mean! Plus who's going to find out no one right?"

I laughed "I suppose, you usually are right, I'm just getting worked up yeah yeah I'll shut up now, So how was YOUR night!!"

I heard a couple of awkward giggles down the line "Well.."

It sounded like Ais got around, what with her story telling of the previous night. I forgot all about my worries and replaced them with Laughs. It's nice to have a girly talk once in a while.

I hung up the phone and started humming 'Happy Birthday' to myself, despite there was still 6 months left till my birthday.

I can't wait for tomorrow, see every-time I'm sad or Ais is sad we have this Tradition. Two words.

Six Flags.

And fortunately our plan for tomorrow were precisely that.  


"WOOOOO!!, AISLING!! ! IM GOING TO DIEE !!! REMEMBER THAT YOUR MY BEST FRIEND FOR LIFEE!!!" I screamed at the the top of my Lungs as the carriage hanged at the top and Whooshed down the curving track at 80 mile per hour. 

The track carried on to show a scene from SAW the movie . We passed the room, with all the mangled people and killing device's as the carriage spun around and fake blood spurted out of a Body. Showering us with a strange red liquid.

We  heard a voice echo through out the shack "You have escaped but no fear you will be coming to play the game again, WAHAHAHA!"

Ailsing spoke for the first time "Uggh.. that voice always gives me shivers!!"

A familiar voice came from the front of the line on the other side of the track spoke "Man what a wimp! We have to go in the front carriage!"

I jerked my head and saw a sight.

His head turned and pointed at the front carriage, directly the one I was in. I saw His eyes go wide and whispered "Alison." I looked back at him, tears in my eyes "Will."

I jumped out of the carriage and ran as fast I could out of the SAW shack until I couldn't run no more, I broke down. Ais soon caught up to me, I was by the entrance of the theme park. She thankfully had come to my rescue and patted me on the back "There, There.' Her voice seemed to be a soothing melody.

I continued To sob "Why here Aisling?" " He broke my heart, I broke his heart!!"

I cried all my pains, all my worries and I let my heart poor out, yes right here were everyone could see me. 

It felt good.

Soon Aisling picked me up and tugged me along to the car. Keeping my head down, hoping the passer's by wouldn't notice the Makeup that had been smudged by my watery tears.

After my little fiasco, we headed over to Starbucks coffee on the main high street, I had to get out of the Theme Park, URGENTLY.

"Do you know what your going to do with him?" Aisling said, while looking down and playing with the Sugar pouch's, that had been squeezed so tightly into a little White pot, it looked almost bust.  You know the one with the Starbucks green logo on it?

I hugged my Frapachino "I don't know, I'm guessing I'll just have to move on?

She looked át Me unconvinced. She murmured something not appropriate to write. I started giggling and then Ais started giggling and both of us broke out into a shower of Laughs.

The shop manager gave us a stern look, so we finished our drinks, stood up and walked  out of the shop door, my boots click clacking as we ran our way to our car.

The weather had changed dramatically from the sunny sky we heard entered the Cofee shop, to a Black day. It was now raining heavily and the clouds were gray, ready to strike lighting. It almost seemed as if the world was crying with me, for my pain.

Never Mind.

Will's POV.

"Shit man" I whispered to myself as I ran my fingers through my hair.

I watched the seat she was just in. I could feel her warmth and her presence. That was obviously before she ran.

Ciaren and Alex, looked over at me and saw my damn expression, along with Matt and Zane. They all nudged each other lightly and exchanged glances. I had a really bad feeling coming from my gut. This can't be good. Not good at all.

Ciaren spoke "So that's the chick, eh? The famous Alison?"

I kept my head down and murmured a quiet "Yeah."

"Group Meeting!" Alex shouted.

They walked over to the corner of the room, away from the cue, leaving me alone.

Minutes passed and they ran over to my side, "Go get her, Will. When you told us about her, well in your eyes you could see the spark, and when you saw her again and she ran out, it looked as if your world had shattered. Dude this is an emergency." Matt told me

I looked at them stunned "But.. whatt?! No, how could yo-" 

Zane interrupted me "NOW, GO, RUN WILL RUN!!" *See how i did a little forest gump theree?? Hehehe*

I ran out of the massive building, with one thought in my mind.

Alison Grey. Im going to get her whatever it takes. Alison Grey.

My new love?


Bonjouur wattpad world (: It seems longg ! 


you want to make me happy?



I am a terrible writer, aren't I?

I should go hang my pen and paper.. (Finger and laptop really?)

BUT I WONT.. because you niice people that are reading this.. its just cruel!!

I AM SO SORRY AGAIN.. I make you wait like YEARS and then Short uploaad?! If I was you i would like kill myself.. Butt!! Im not ;)

I have been SUPER BUSY. no joke!! Came back from holiday.. school!! Seeing my friends and I went to an Example concert.. I MET PROFESSOR GREEN.. so um yeaah sorry about my lazyness :|

I am quitee bussy this weeek BUTT lets saay I will upload like 1nce a week?! I WILL TRY SUPER SUPER SUPER HARD.. because wel tomoz im going to a Funeraal and other stuff.. so sorry again!!


A cool one I hope? Yeaah not tht cool with this short uploadd.. BUT.. 

I will get writing tomoz early bright on 'Welcome to my life.. I think?!' okaays?! BARE WITH ME :P

Francescaaaaaaaaaaaa :) AS ALWAAAAAAAYS YOUR LOYAL WRITEER xxx

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