Flowers in the field

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Hello my simps!Am I doing the Chapters too fast?hehee So as I said at the last chapter I will be mixing some Banana Fish categories so 'Spoiler Alert'!

Charlene POV
"We're just happy your okay Love!", "So you two are already got together?", "No!" *sigh* still fighting,I'm not even surprised!

"Ma'am you'll be here at least 2 months,and Mr. Farlan here's the bill", while Farlan pays the bill Shane called my parents "Sweety! Are you ok?!", "Y-yes mom..", "Who did this to you?..", "Sha-", "No Farlan it wasn't him,someone was in a hoodie he was gonna shoot shane so I protected him and risked my life...", "Who is this Shane?"

"Dad,That blacked hair and blue eyes is Shane", "Then you'll stay here for 2 months?", "How about our wedding?", "It will be continued after Charlene's Healing process!","Yes Mr. Rudlan Destiny"

"Farlan..", "Yes Mrs. Cherry?", "Take care of our daughter for us...", "Yes Ma'am!" I'm starting to have feeling for Farlan too...but...I don't know who to pick!,Shane or Farlan? they're both handsome but! I don't know!

Farlan POV
I love you Charlene..I'll keep you forever and protect you

Charlene POV
After hours of talking my parents left "F-Farlan...", "Yes Love?", "I-I Love You!" , "I can't take this anymore!", "S-Shane I Love the two of you!" silence stayed between us three "I-I Love you too Charlene, "I Love You too Love" I-I can't believe they said I Love you back but...
I felt 'Love'

While Charlene was sleeping after they're enjoyment "If I'm with you Charlene we're like Flower on a Field...thats why I Loved You..."
"F-Farlan?" I gave her a passionate kiss, I knew she was obssessed with this..she felt it like me
~End of FlashBack~

Chapter 8 coming soon~...
Bai My Simps!~

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