Thorns and Roses

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Hi! In my last chapter the fan art pic didn't show :c, But! you can now look at it at top of the title!
Suddenly I got more lazzier and bussier at my schedule that my chapters are REAL short,really as short as Levi ✋🏻😭
Who are you simpin for?? (The character I'm Simping for is Inuamki!~)
||~Charlene POV~||

Will Farlan be ok?, I start getting worried and my panic attacks are getting worse and worse every second, "Charlene...It's ok,Farlan will be ok..Don't push yourself too hard!" Shane tried conforting me, Panick Attacks,Fear and other more emotions that helps me worry about him continued on in my head


||~Farlan POV~||

I ran quickly outside to check as I saw Three guards lying lifelessly, I hided behind the car and took the gun from one of the guard's lifless hand, "Shot From The Heart!, Did you see that Jason?!" A familiar voice shouted after a gunshot, "Isn't should be 'Shot to the heart'? not 'Shot from the heart'?", "You know Jason I'm expressing Love to other people" The two argued like kids I peeked from the car.


Lukine?! What's he doing here...seriously he's gonna cause chaos and steal Charlene from me..why is he doing this? But who's Jason?Is he his assistant? "Oh. Hi Farlan, Long time no see!" As I felt a hand pat on my shoulder, How is he so fast? "Lukine..What are you up to now?", "You know Farlan,Since you flew back in Japan you left me in California so Jasonhere helped me to join the other Mafia and give them Love if you know what I mean?", "You killed them didn't you?" He did obviously...


Lukine stroked his red hair backwards and said with no hesitation 'I came here to see Charlene', "She's not here", "Oh really? then why is my tracker locating here then?" He putted a tracker inside Charlene!? "You..Bastard!" I tried punching him but quickly teleported behind me and knocked my back, "H-how?", "We had training with someone..", Master Korain..that traitor!


||~Charlene POV~||

"Ash,Ash,Ash!", "H-huh?,Who's Ash?", "Of course you Idiot!" a Blacked Hair tall figure infront of me greeted me, "Here's your breakfast", "I-Is this a dream?", "Slap yourself Ash that will be much better" is this an anime?-,wait..Banana Fish?!, I-I mist be dreaming right now!

-Author's Name Scribble:-

No, you're not
who are you?
U-um no one continue!-
-End of Author's Name Scribble-

||~Charlene POV~||

Weird..but this anime is rela risky..what happened to me?!, in my real life!?, What happened to Farlan?..and Shane?...My anxiety attacks makes me panic even more, I need to ask Eiji about this..."H-hey Eiji, u-uhm what happened yesterday?", "Seriously? you don't remember we met that long-haired-guy from an accident, and you looked theough his researches"
oh I'm at that episode..the war between bald-man-trouble maker and me are episodes away, not that far did I teleport to this place tho?..this I pass out or something?

While Farlan and Shane..

"Shane!, come out the building you stupid bitch!", "I'm not a bitch you dumbass!, you're the one lured them here!", "Soon I'll lose Ammo what are we gonna do?!" The two kept arguing "I'll distract them!,you get ammo!", Are you an idiot!?,Ypu don't even have a gun or something!" Farlan shouted "Hey you brats!"


Chapter 14 coming soon...
Bai My Simps!~ XOXO

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