come back please...

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Thank you Ishwa20 for the idea!!

Here is the background to this one so it makes some since

Dipper lost mables trust because he made a promise that they would never split up, Then he agreed to be Ford's apprentice, Mable and dipper argue and he didn't take it and she ran away and got taken by Bill in her bubble and Dipper escaped from all the madness and gravity falls can't be saved without him and it all goes to chaos

Let's start this story!!

3ed person

Dipper was just hanging out with mable outside doing sibling things ya know happy things ((can't relate I don't get along with mine)) then dipper got called to ford "Hold on Mable I'll be back!!" He got up and ran over.
"yes grate uncle ford??"
"Ah dipper I have a important question for you! Would you like to stay in gravity Falls with me and be my apprentice??"

At that one moment his dream came true and nods fast "of course this place is amazing I would love to stay and find out more it would be a dream come true especially with you the author I died to meet found out was my uncle and my lab partner asking me to stay and work with him!!"

"I'm glad you are exited for this I will be looking forward to it!!" Ford said smiling.

"Me to!!" Dipper said with excitement filling his voice.

He ran back to mable bouncing out his shoes excited.

"So what was that about Dipper?"

"You will never guess what just happened?!"

"You found a vampire!!"

"No better!!"

"You got a Girlfriend!!"

His face scrunched "ew no"

"I give uppppp" Mable sighs in defeat.

"Ford asked me to be his apprentice and stay in gravity Falls with him I'll get to stay!!" His smile came back.

All the color drained from Mable "w-what..?"

Dipper looked confused why wasn't she happy for him she's always happy for him he didn't understand "what?"

"D-Dipper you can't stay" ((The perfect song came on as I I'm writing this))

Dipper looks confused and a bit upset. "What do you mean?? Arnt you excited for me?? You always are why arnt you now" dense bitch.

Mable got mad "what do you mean what?! You promised me you would never leave me we would do everything together but ever since we came here you haven't kept that you keep leaving me alone and by myself!!" Tears filled her eyes.

He started getting mad "me?! You kept hanging out with your friends and ignoring me!!"

"I only hung out with them because you kept leaving me alone it's not my fault!!" Her tears began falling as she let out all her feelings

"You are just being selfish and jealous, why can't you just be happy for me?!"

"Because you are leaving me!!"

"If you are just gonna act like this then just go!!"

Her heart broke.. "F-Fine..!!" She began running into the forest sobbing.

Dipper being to mad didn't realize what he had just done.

Mables pov

I ran through the forest as I cried why would he say that I'm his sister and this is what he does that?! I slump on a tree bringing my head to my knees sobbing then I heard that laugh then the next thing I knew I was somewhere different a world I dreamed of and I couldn't remember what I was upset about it was a dream come true.

Dippers pov

She was gone.. What did I do.. I realized what I have done when I was pissed off and I began running around looking for her "Mable?! MABLE?!" then I heard his laugh "bill.."

"Hello pine tree! I heard you are looking for your sister dont worry she's safe"

"What did you do to her?!"

"Nothing! Just trapped her in a bubble with a world she's always dreamed of but I did her a favor you are the one that upset her that is your fault"

"N-No! You are wrong!!"

He laughed "don't worry kid you can watch me take over the world!" He left.

Dipper watched everything turn into hell and he ran he didn't know where but he ran fast when the dome came Dipper was out of gravity falls and gone.

As everything had gone to shit everyone said the same thing "come back please..."


Sorry this took so long to get out school is a pain in the ass almost done with it.
This was fun to write more ideas!
(766 words.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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