Chapter 06

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Ethan's POV

I hear shouting coming from upstairs. I hurry up to where I hear the loud talk coming from. I see y/n

Pinned to the wall by Grayson. "Hey we need to talk" I say to get him to unpin her. "Wear something sexy

Tonight" he said before he left with me. We both walked to my office and he took a seat on my red leather couch.

"Okay so what the fuck was that?" I gave him a look. "Nothing you gotta worry about" he shot back.

"Listen Grayson I don't know what your up to but leave y/n out of it before you get her and that little

Boy killed" I shouted. "For fucks sake calm down" Grayson rolled his eyes. "Grayson take this shit serious!

That crew y/n was with is getting smarter and smarter by the minute! They keep stealing our shipment

And our guys are getting hesitant, so many have died within the past month and were running out of guards!"

I shouted. "We'll find more, hire them train them fuck kidnap them for fucks sake just don't back down!" Grayson shouted.

I face palmed "Grayson I'm serious" I sighed and looked down to all the information I have on this file.

I slid it his way and his eyes went wide. "Forty million!?" He shouted. "Yes Grayson forty million. Now

When your done playing Mr. toxic boyfriend then I'll let you in on this" I sarcastically smirked. "Get out" I pointed to the door.

He shook his head and walked out "fucking child" I rubbed my face.

Graysons POV

I walk back to my office and slam the door. "Fuck!" I shout and throw my papers off my desk. I hear a knock

At the door. I open it up to see a little boy. "And you are?" I raised a brow. "I'm Lorenzo Roman" he smiled.

I kinda soften up. "Where's your sister?" I asked. "She's sleeping but I hungry" he pouted. I sighed

I picked him up and took him down to the kitchen. I put him on the counter. "Don't move" I said,he nodded.

There's literally nothing in this house. I picked him up and decided to take him to one of my family's restaurants.


We were seated, I ordered us both chicken strips with fries. "So does your sister ever talk about me?" I asked.

"Sometimes, she just calls you lots of mean names" he said while bitting into one of his chicken strips.

"Oh, well does she like me?" I asked. "No I don't think so" he shrugged. Well that's great. "Finish up. After

Your done I'll take you back" I said and ate my food.

Y/n's POV

I woke up and I noticed that Lorenzo wasn't in our room. "Lorenzo!" I called,nothing. "Lorenzo!" I walked

Around the house panicking "calm down hun Grayson took him to get lunch" an older lady said.

"What!? No please call him I don't trust him with my boy please" I begged on the verge of tears.

"Hun calm yourself there right out back in the pool" she smiled. I thanked her and walked out back.

I saw Grayson swimming around with Lorenzo, I calmed down a bit but rushed outside "Lorenzo what did I

Tell you about wondering off like that!" I picked him up out of Graysons hands. "I sorry gray took me to get food" he smiled.

"Don't ever do that again without asking me" I shot a look at Grayson. "Look the kid was hungry and you

Italian Mafia// Grayson Dolan Where stories live. Discover now