Chapter 25

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Graysons POV

"Grayson it's been a month and we have no leads!" Ethan spat. We were both on edge and beyond pissed off.

Ethan hasn't been able to see Gabe and I haven't been able to see y/n or my unborn child's ultrasounds. "I know" I sigh with my head in my hands.

"It's not like Daniel to do this" Ethan had a worried look plastered across his face. "That's the whole reason why I'm pissed!

He isn't making any moves and I just want this whole stupid situation to be over with! If he doesn't strike by the end of this week I will!" I shout.

I walk out of the office and slam the door shut behind me. He wants war? I'll give him war!


I decided to pack some things up and leave with a couple of my men. "Sir shouldn't we be going with Ethan?" King my main right hand man asked.

"No. He has no business knowing where we are headed. I told him I'd leave to get some info and that it might take a few days. So sit back and let me work" I spat.

"Yes sir" he sent me a nod and sat back. My plan was simple. Act as if I wanted to link my gang with his like we planned. Once I'm in I'll kill him right then and there and ask king to call in for back up.


We pull up to Daniel's place and park a few blocks back. "On my signal call for back up" I said. King nodded and wired me up. I fixed myself then walked up to

The huge mansion. I knocked on the door and two huge guards came up. "What are you doing here Dolan" one had asked.

"I'm here to speak to your boss" I bluntly said. "He isn't expecting visitors" the man spat. I chuckled, he must be new.

I grabbed him by the neck and placed my gun to his throat "now I'm only gonna say this once, I'm here to talk to your boss" I looked deep into his eyes.

He swallowed hard and nodded. He led me inside and up a flight of stairs. He opened a door and we both walked into a huge office. "Why if it isn't Grayson Dolan" Daniel chuckled.

"Listen Daniel I'm here to get straight to the point. Your daughter is dead yes, but you have no right to go for my family!

I know what you want even before your precious little girl was born and that is to combine the our gangs" I said. "I could care less about that hoe of a woman.

We either join the gangs now or I'll kill your just for the heck of it" he had a devilish grin. "Then let's talk" I smirked.

Y/n's POV

I wake up and see that Lilith and Gabe are in the living room but I hear a male voice talking. I hurry down stairs and see Ethan with a panicked look on his face

"What's going on?, Why are you here?" I ask. "Graysons gone with half of our men. He's up to something, he's been going crazy ever since we had to stay away from you both

If we don't find him he'll do something stupid and make a huge mistake that not even our family can fix!" Ethan was stressed.

This isn't like Grayson... He has something up his sleeve I know that for a fact. "come on we have to go" Lilith spoke low with Gabe in her hands.

"No Grayson is my problem. I'm the reason that dicks daughter is dead. I'll deal with it myself and that's final!" I spat.

I snatched Ethan's gun out of his holder and rushed out the door, I got in the driver's side of the van and took off.

"Let's see where you are Dolan" I spat. I drove around for a little looking for any signs until finally it hit me...

I typed in some codes through the vans system and it linked me to Graysons phone, thank goodness for find my iPhone!!

His tracker was on so I followed the location. We pulled up and got ready. Well Ethan and his men got ready, I couldn't go in since I'm pregnant.


Graysons POV

"Remember what we talked about last time we saw one another Grayson" Daniel spoke. I nodded "so the deal is done." We both shook hands.

"There here!" Daniel spat. Ethan and Lilith broke through the door with y/n behind them. Daniel whipped out his gun and fired shots.

I tackled him to the ground and got on top of him, I pinned him down and repeatedly punched him until he was unconscious.

"Take the girls and meet me in the van now" I spat. I was beyond pissed Ethan put both of our girls in danger with out even thinking!


"What the fuck Grayson!?" Ethan spat. "What?" I gave him a look. "Not only did you put yourself in danger but you put the whole gang at risk! Along with our girls and our kids!" He did the most unexpected thing and

Slapped me across the face. I shoved him back and walked off "Grayson!" I heard that voice but I didn't look back, I couldn't. Not after what I had agreed to do.....

Italian Mafia// Grayson Dolan Where stories live. Discover now