jingle bells bad day!

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Dashing through the hall 

Past a sleeping cat,

Past a gossiping bat,

Past a shooting snake.

Past a rampaging wolf.

I wonder what is next. 

Let's hope I'll survive.

Jingle bells 

Kill me now

I'm walking down the hall.

Dodging a crazy hedgehog.

Tripping over a pig with a mouth full of food.

Then bumping into a butterfly who was stripping like a pervert.

Jingle bells 

Mahiru's yelling.

Tetsu traps the bat in the coffin 

While Mikuni runs and hides.

Iduna tries to calm down the wolf.

The hedgehog tried to help but got a kick in the face.

Niccolo shoots the pig.

Misono throws the books.

And Tsubaki is missing.

When they found Tsubaki, he was asleep hugging Sakuya. 

Who woke up and Tsubaki got first in the face.

The tired and exhausted Eves hoped they would never have a day like they did today.

For if they did the Servamps wouldn't survive.

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