Chapter 7: Can't you be nice for 5 minutes?

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The Eves got annoyed with the Servamps annoying and loud bickering, so they dragged the Servamps up to a spare room and locked the door.

Jeje sat sulking in the corner of the room.

Hugh turned into a bat and hung upside down from the chandelier.

Lidio ate in the other corner of the room.

Tsubaki sat on the windowsill.

Lily was in butterfly form on top of the bookcase.

Freya was sitting in front of the door.

Kuro was sleeping on a pillow.

Hyde stood from where he was sitting and walked up to Tsubaki to talk to him when suddenly someone pushed Hyde and the two of them fell out of the window.

Lily and Hugh turned back into their human forms and ran to the window.

Jeje walked to the window guns out.

The three stared out at their brothers when the three found them falling out of the window screaming.

Lidio threw his food at the culprit and Lidio was thrown out the window followed by Freya.

Kuro shut the window and lay down to take a nap when the door opened, and the Eves walked in.

Mahiru: Where is everybody?

Kuro: Outside.

Licht: Why?

Kuro: They kept fighting!


The Eves walk outside.

The Servamps untangled themselves from each other.

Licht: You guys?

Lily: Yes?

Misono: Who started it?

Hyde: Someone pushed me and Tsubaki out the window, then pushed everyone out of the window.

Mikuni: Who did it?

Lidio: It was Kuro!

Kuro: What?

Kuro was standing behind a tree.

Freya: It was you!

Kuro ran followed by his sibling's weapons flashing!

Licht: Nuts!

Mikuni: I agree.

Mahiru: Let's let them sort it out!

The Eves walked back inside, while the Servamps chased Kuro around the yard! 

(chapter finished)

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