I'm working at an orphanage no questions

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Hello, here's a totally unrelated picture ⊂((・▽・))⊃ 

Are you having a good day? Hope you are cause you're amazing! On with the story!

~~~~~~*****~~~~_へ__(‾◡◝ )>~~~~*

*\|/* 3rd Person POV *\|/*

Obsidia woke up earlier than the rest, he got up out of bed, careful not to wake up the other three there and went  to write a note all it said was 'i'm going to work at an orphanage no questions asked 'before he got up to change into his usual outfit to go to the orphanage and get a job

Obsidia knocked on the door of the orphanage, where there was a flier asking for more employees, the owner opened the door and her eyes widened with happiness, she was happy there was someone willing to work here "hello, i'm Reaper the owner of this orphanage, who are you?" that right there was what shocked Obsidia, the Reaper of this multiverse taking care of children, that is new "hElLo Im ObSiDiA aT yOuR sErViCe" he replied back, the two exchanged some talk about what working here would be like before Reaper led him through some hallways to a fitting room, to where she had to find the right cloth and the measuring for his new uniform, so while she did that he took the time to look at her appearance

Reaper was a Gray Cockatiel, she was wearing a black maids dress, cream colored apron, cream colored knee high socks, and buckle dress shoes, the thing about the fabric of the maids outfit though was that it seemed to shimmer a gold in certain light, this must be the fabric that adapts to the magic of a user he's heard about, he also noted the golden pendant she was wearing, wonder who that was from?

Reaper found the materials needed before calling in an assistant, it was the Blue of this multiverse, he was a cat, with baby blue inner ears, a black maids dress that shimmered teal in the right light, with a baby blue apron and black boots, his tail was a gradient of white to blue with a blue bow tied to it. Blue looked at him in awe, must be because he was a kitsune "Blue, can you take these measurements for me, i've got to make breakfast" Blue nodded before Reaper left

The measurements were carried out and now he was wearing a black maids dress that shimmered purple in the right light, a lavender apron, and knee high black boots. The reason for the dresses is because the children are used to figures in dresses, and Reaper wishes to make the children as comfortable as possible, as they were walking back, Blue asked a question "so why did you take it upon yourself to join?" Obsidia was quick to reply "i've adopted 3 children who never had homes or families of their own, i've taken it upon myself to make every child happy and with a home" Obsidia had tone down his glitches because he's most likely dealing with children with bad pasts

The two reached the room where there were many children, 3 tables to seat 8 in total, Obsidia noted that his counterpart and Terra's counterpart were here and they looked like twins. The Error and Cross of the multiverse were bear cubs with milky white bones, everything about them was the same, the yellow sweatshirt with the famous gold colored x's wrapped around them, the orange scarves, the black pants, and the yellow shoes, it was all the same, the only difference is that Error had his blue tear marks and red eyes with a slit, and that Cross had a blue scar and red eyes with normal pupils "Error kinda looks like you if i'm being honest" Blue commented, he wasn't wrong at all. 

They were gonna discuss more when Reaper made an announcement to the children "good morning young ones, today we have a new helper, his name is Obsidia, know that if you ever need something that he's there for you, have a good breakfast" Reaper made her way over to the two "i've never seen a kitsune before in my life! How old even are you!? By your eight tails i'm guessing around 800 years" Obsidia chuckled, she was very much close "you're close indeed i'm around 850 years with my husband being around 760, we've honestly stopped counting after the first 100" Reaper's and Blue's eyes widened "you don't even look 30! Let alone 850!" They exclaimed in unison and he chuckled again "i get that a lot, now lets tend to the children" he pointed to some of them who were attempting to start a food fight, with the other two quickly rushing to stop them.

~~we're going to time skip to to free time for the children~~

Obsidia was patching some of the torn clothes from one of the wolf children there, it was a very easy patch, before he could get up Error and Cross ran up to him "hey mister! We wanna ask some questions about you!" said Cross, Obsidia chuckled before grabbing chairs for the three of them "ask ahead young ones" he replied to them, the first question was one of the ones he'd been expecting "why do you have the same face marking as my brother?" he had asked, such a simple question was not a simple answer for him, see he didn't want to say 'by crying my eyes out' because then they'd be concerned, he thought for a bit before actually coming up with a decent answer "it might be because of a distant relative that had once been in the family related to mine that gave you those markings, but i'm not quite sure

The three talked for a while with most questions being directed towards things like how old he was or why he has that many tails, they had finished their questions and free time was over because it was now lunch, in which his shift ended, Obsidia hugged the two "my shifts over and i have to go, and you have to eat your lunch, see you two tomorrow" he left to change back and go home

What a fun day it was

Well until he came back to a grumpy Nethra

 ~~~~~~*****~~~~_へ__(‾◡◝ )>~~~~*

Hello i hope you enjoyed this chapter of just Obsidia being at an orphanage 

(◜௰◝) so as you know they are old with Terra being around 400 and Null and Void around 200, in kitsune terms they are children and with regular species terms yeah they're old so i'm just letting you know for no reason at all

Author out!

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