13: faster

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I get out of the car "ah man!" I say "what's wrong?" Levi asks closing his door "they already set up!" I say he chuckles "I was gonna watch." "Yeah yeah come on rapunzel." He says holding out his hand i sigh and take it.

We walk through the festival as people play games and eat and have fun. I gasp "Levi look!" I say pointing "what?" He says "geishas." I say in awe "go say hi" he says "n-no they are so pretty! I could never." "They are women with face paint." He says i punch his arm "ah." "Geishas are a true part of Japanese culture levi my mom would take me and my sister to see the way they lived every year at the Geishas christening." I say to him "go say hi" he says they near us. I bow at then and stand they bow back smiling and walking off I smile back "come on." He says

"Can we play some games?" I say "dosnt this thing last like a week?" He says "yes!" I say "you pick." He says I look around looking for games I see a shooting one "that! I'm gonna win that giant bear!" I say he chuckles as we walk over

"Ready players set go!" The guy says i hold the hand gun in my hands and shoot kind of missing them. The game ends "here you go!" The guy says handing me a small pink bear "oh Well that was fun." I say "no my love you're getting that bear." He says "no it's alright I can handle-" I'm cut off by Levi putting down a dollar and taking the gun in his right hand "ready set go!" He begins to shoot them fast and easy not missing a single one I smile as the guy pulls the giant bear down from the rack "h-here you go sir." The guy says handing Levi the giant bear "here." He says handing it to me I take it and kiss levis cheek "I don't know how this is gonna fit in the car." He says rubbing his neck "oh...." I say remembering the Lamborghini dosnt have back seats.

Levi ties the bear to the top of the car "let's get home before you decide to want another" he says i smile and go over to him wrapping my arms around his neck "thank you." I say "of course I will win you a giant bear any time." He says pecking my lips  "here." He says holding up the car keys "what?" I ask "you drive home" he says placing them in my hands and opening the car door for me I smile and get in.

I drive down the street on the way home levis phone rings he answers it
"Hello?..." he looks behind us through the back window "yeah. Gray suv. Yeah she's with me. Okay....y/n love I need you to drive." He says "what are you talking about I am driving." "Remember how I told you you weren't out to speed in the cars." He says "uh yeah." "I need you to speed." He says "what?" "That car behind us....loose them." He says "seriously." he says "yes seriously...loose em." he says i smile and speed up more "how fast does this thing go." i say seeing a large wood carrying truck ahead of us "i dont know i havnt pushed it." he says "lets find out." i say and speed up even more and drift the car under the truck and then back onto the road straight "where did you learn that!" he says "petras dad he drove cars for his living sometimes he'd take us to the track." i say  "a valley or race car driver?." i say "no." i say he frowns "he was a get away driver." i say he scoffs we go on the freeway "Mikasa i have you on speaker." levi says "weve contacted all authroites your good to go as fast as you need and the vehicle is still in your pursuit." She says "shit." levi says "were behind them and you." She says "y/n push it." he says i do going up to 150 i weave easily inbetween cars until it comes to theese too cars that wont move i sigh flashing the lights he doesnt move "what kind of car is this." i say "a lambo." he say "No I know but what kind" "aventador." he says "hopfully i wont blow us up." i say "what!" he says i push on the brake and gas at the same time and throw it back cause the car to rev making it sound like shots cause the back tires to skid making smoke the car moves we pass it i speed up going up to 200 "get off here." he says i go and move to the side stoping in a parking stucture "the car is off track but were still following it." Mikasa say s"thank you" levi says and hangs up levi looks at me and sighs "you need to teach me how to drive." he says i giggle "lets go again." i say he chuckles "was her dad really a get away driver." he says "yeah." i say "did you have your license when he taught you?" he says "no." i say and bite my lipe "permit" he says i shake my head no he chuckles I gasp and get out of the car but calmness is washed over me the bear is fully intact on the top of the car.

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