10: Shots

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I slowly open my eyes feeling around the bed to feel it empty I sit up pushing my hair back I get up putting on my robe I walk out of the room and down stairs I hear music playing I see leavi moving around making breakfast I lean against the door frame and watch my husband I smile "can every morning be like this?" I ask he chuckles "as you wish." He says i smile and walk over to him he presses his lips against mine I kiss him back we pull away "good morning mrs Ackerman." He says i smile "good morning mr Ackerman" I say he brushes his numb against my cheek "are you hungry?" He asks I nod he pecks my lips "good."

I stand in front of the bathroom mirror as I stretch my arms up I feel arms around my waist as Levi rests his chin on my head I giggle as he pull me into him "where are you going?" He asks "to Rico I say "no you're not." He says I frown "yes Levi." I say he shakes his head and bends down and picks me up placing me over his shoulder I laugh I set down on the bed "your staying here with just Becuase the wedding was fast dosnt mean the honeymoon has to be." He says I place my hand on his cheek "that was before you were the most powerful boss in the world." I say pushing him over so he's on the bed I get up putting my hair up in a ponytail "besides." I say picking up my cat "you have berry to keep you company." I say and hand her to him he sighs looking at my cat I kiss his cheek "when I'd come back I'm all yours." I say and walk off

I walk down the hall next to Rico as she explains things that my father did around here things that people didn't like and things people did like so I can make my changes "I do still apologize that you and me akerman don't get a proper honeymoon." She says "don't be Levi and I are fine." I say "here you're office you father didn't have time to clear his stuff out I should've sent someone up I apologize" "no." "This is perfect I can go through his stuff." I say she nods "Im in the feild with the newbies if you need me" she says I nod she walks out closing the door I walk into the penthouse sized office equipped with a couch love seat glass coffee table,  and a book shelf I walk over to the desk seeing a picture of my dad mom and my sister and then a picture of my mom. Even though he wasn't with her cares.

I sit on the floor going through my dads stuff there a knock on the door I sniff "come in." I say the door opens as I see Levi walk in "hey." I say he frowns a walks up to me "what are you doing?" He asks "going through some stuff." I say and smile "why are you crying?" "Becuase my dad loved me more than anything and even tho he never told me often I'm going through these things and I can really see how much he cared. All of these pictures in his desk are my mom and me and my sister she dosnt have a single picture of him and that mew woman be had at work.". I say levi in sits infront of me taking a picture in his hand "this you?" He asks holding up a photo i nod "that was me and my dad at the shooting range, this is from the camping trip....a-and this is from my 10 birthday...he stopped coming to my birthdays that year." I say Levi brushes his hand against my cheek "wh-why are you here." "You didn't bring a lunch. And I have to go back to Japan." He says "why?" I ask "business." He says "but I thought-" "my scouts are in Japan." "Mine are in America." "No I don't want to leave you! I'm not gonna do the song distance thing." "Calm down we don't have too you have Rico she can take care of things when your away. Are you alright today?" He asks placing his hands on my cheeks "yeah I'm fine I think I'm just overwhelmed." I say he nods "I'll clean up and meet you back at Japan." I say he nods "I love you." He says "I love you too."

"Rico." I say "I'm going back home will you keep everything in check while I'm gone?" I ask "of course I'll have some scout lead you to the air port if you arnt traveling with mr. akerman." She says i nod "thank y-" I'm cut off my by a gun shot "GET DOWN!" Someone yells as we do Rico grabs me pushing me down covering me "are you okay!?" She says I nod "you?" She nods theres more gun fire from down the hall "come on I have to get you out." She says as we get up "LETS GO!" She yells as three men run over to us shielding me from the fire glass shatters and gun shots ring out "GO-AGH!" Rico gets hit and shes falls "RICO!?" "Come on ma'am." The man says pulling me away. "n-NO RICO SHE- RICO!!" More shots ring out people scream and run blood is splatters in the walls and it collects in pools on the floor "Ma'am we need to-" the men shielding me are shot and fall to the ground I freeze as thier blood hits my face and onto my clothes I stand there as people run and scream a group of men walk around the corner and they hold up guns pointing them at me my breath shakes as I look down at the guards who has a gun exposed I'm too scared to grab it. The men hold thier guns up aiming for me. I don't want to die..not again... I can't...the sound of a gun shot rings out.

Hey guys I hope you are liking the book so sorry for leaving it on a cliff hanger for now but I'll be continuing it soon I don't know when exactly but...Please be patient

(If there are any spelling error I'll probably go back and fix them other wise use your imagination to fix the words)

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