Bleed Me Dry...

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The soft tapping of feet against hard wooden floors had woken her up that morning,The feel of the blade in her hand and the blood that started pooling around her as she laid on the floor of her bathroom was sickening yet familiar which made her sick in the stomach,Kitari slowly got off the floor and looked into the bathroom mirror as she slowly checked over her self.

Her muddy dark brown hair was swept back to reveal her lifeless blue eyes and her pale face,Her eyes slowly drifted towards the reflection of her arms which were covered in multiple fresh cuts and blood dripping out of them,After a minute of looking into her mirror she stepped away from the mirror and out of her bathroom as she heard a soft knock on her door.

"Ari?"A soft sweet voice was heard from her door as she quickly hid the small knife under her mattress and wiped away the blood from her arms before throwing away the bloodied tissues and pulled down her sleeves to hide the cuts while forcing a smile on her face,"Come in Baby..."Kitari said as she sat on the bed and the door opened to reveal a small little girl with messy black hair and tired blue eyes.

The little girl sleepily waddled over to her before Kitari carefully lifted the girl up into her arms as the girl held onto her "Good morning to you too Kayla" Kitari giggled softly and laid a gentle kiss over her little cousin's forehead as the little girl mumbled a tired good morning to her aswell,Kayla rubbed her eyes gently and looked up at her cousin as she noticed the dried tears on her face.

"Were you crying Ari...?"Kayla said as Kitari swept back Kayla's bangs "It was just a nightmare Baby...Nothing to worry about"Kayla nodded while Kitari placed her down on the floor,"Auntie Kristie is calling us for breakfast,She says she's making pancakes!"Kayla said excitedly which made Kitari giggle before Kayla had smelled the air,The room had normally smelled of chocolate and flowers instead it smelled of blood.

Kayla looked over to Kitari as her smile fell"Your room smells weird..."Kitari quickly moved off the bed and started pushing the little girl towards the door "It might have just been Snowy,I need to clean up first so go on a head downstairs I'll be there soon"Before Kayla could say anything else Kitari had shut and locked the door.

Kitari listened carefully as she heard a loud huff of annoyance before the pattering of feet was heard towards the direction of the stairs then silence as she sighed and her smile disappeared and she leaned against the door,She quickly lighted up some scented candles to cover up the smell of blood from her room and quickly started cleaning her bathroom'This is going to be a long day...'she thought as she quitely cleaned.

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