Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Vic's POV

We were having a good time. We've been here a while, we got refills and some sandwiches cuz we got hungry. It kind of feels like old times. Out of nowhere, her phone rings, and it's a song a recognize, One Hundred Sleepless Nights, by Pierce The Veil. She looks at the name and answers it.

"Hey Kylie" silence "nothing, just at Starbucks with Vic" silence "yeah, long story" silence "yeah, I can be there in like 15 mins" then she hangs up, and looks at me.

"Cool ringtone" I say to her and she blushes. "why are you blushing, I just said it's cool" I laughed.

"It kind of reminds me of you, in a way" she says playing with her hands.

"Hmm, I don't know if I should be offended, it's kind of a sad song, but happy in a way" I say kind of confused.

"Well yeah, Vic says he likes to write happy songs, with morbid lyrics"

"Vic? I don't write the songs" I smirk at her. She rolls her eyes.

"The singer of the band, his name is Vic Fuentes."

"Really, that's cool we have the same name! Have you ever been to one of their concerts?"

She scoffed, "I wish! I would kill to see them in concert! Their my favorite band"

"I thought it was Paramore" I mumble.

"Yeah, it used to be"

"Tell me some of your other favorite bands"

"I only have one favorite band, and that's Pierce The Veil. But other bands I like are, Paramore, All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, Tonight Alive, Chiodos, Of Mice and Men, Bring Me The Horizon, Falling in Reverse, Memphis May Fire, Sum 41, and lots of other bands I can't think of right now." I was shocked, I had no idea that she was into that kind of music.

"That's cool" I say, not really knowing what to say "why do you like Pierce The Veil so much?" I ask.

"I don't know. Their music is just so cool and the lyrics are so meaningful and I know you can say that about alot of bands but alot of their songs, I can relate to my situations, and.... Well I don't know, their just freaking awesome and I love them."

"Thats cool, I don't think I have a favorite band, I love to many." I say laughing.

"I've been really inspired by them, I wanna get a tattoo of some of their lyrics."

"really ? Witch one?" I'm really shocked now. She's never liked tattoos.

"I wanna get it on my ribs, it's gonna say 'don't rain on my parade ; its gonna glow in the dark' and another one on my chest, and it's gonna say 'Forget Regret'

"that cool, I wanna get some tattoos too."

"yeah, cool shirt by the way" she says while looking at her phone. "shit! I forgot I have to go to Kylies house, do you think you can drop me off?" she asked.

"Of course, let's go" I say, trying to hide my disappointment that we have to leave.

Jamie's POV

As we get in the car, I smile. Haven't had a day like this in a long time. And to be honest I hope we can be such good friends that we can do this often.

"Times like this, I hate my hair!" he yelled. It was still pretty hot out and he had brown hair up to his shoulder. In my opinion he really looked like Vic Fuentes. I just laughed at that comment because my hair was longer.

We got in the car and he put the A/C on full blast, and it got fresh.

"Well since you like Pierce The Veil so much, I'll put on one of their songs."

I giggled. "I don't like them, I LOVE them!"

When the song came on, I wanted to disappear. He looked strangely calm. I felt like I was sweating a river. And my hands were shaking.

"Do you not like this song?" he asked.

"No I like it." don't get me wrong, I love their music but I prefer to avoid this song. The song he chose is Disasterology, and I cried myself to sleep to this song when we broke up.

He changed the song to 'Bulls In The Bronx' which is another one of my favorite songs. Luckily, Kylie lives about 20 mins away, so could hear the whole thing.

His phone rang and he answered it and stood quiet for a long time. He was mumbling, probably so I won't hear. All I heard him say, was 'Ok' then he hung up. He sat up a little straighter and his mouth was in a hard line. He looked really pissed of.

We sat in silence for a while, and then I realized that we have our plane ride in 2 days.

"So our plane ride is in a couple days." I said trying to kill the silence. He just nodded and driving faster.

Who am I trying to fool? He hasn't changed. Same old Vic. Same old attitude.You know what they say. Same shit different day. Well I guess-

"Jamie!" Vic yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned and met his unreadable gaze. We were here.

"Well thanks... I guess I'll see you around" he just nodded.

I got out of the car and walked up to Kylie's house. I turned back around and he was gone.

I should have expected this. I should have just said no to him, to save myself the heart ache and emmbaresment.

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