Chapter 2

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Miura's pov

I got to class a couple minutes before the bell was about to ring. I bent over, hands on my knees to catch my breath. Tetsutetsu caught up with me. 
"Wow you're fast" he chuckled breathlessly. 
"If you think that's fast you should see me when I'm swimming" I laugh. He looks up at the large doors.
"So do we just walk in?" I shrug.
"I was never told about any registration process before entering so I assume so" he proceeds to swing the door open. I raise my hands at the sudden action. Several students look towards us. I pull my hands towards my chest. Tetsutetsu took a hold of my wrist and pulled me into the class. I followed. There were two seats at the back of the class. I settled down in the window seat, pulling at my skirt. It didn't even reach my knees. I stared at it intently.
"You good? You've been staring at.... something for like a minute" I snapped my head up and looked over at Tetsutetsu.
"Y-yeah. I'm fine" I reply, choosing to place my hands between my legs to at least feel a little more comfortable. Now I'm regretting choosing to keep the girl's uniform instead of letting dad talk to Nezu about it. It looks like Tetsutetsu was going to say something but our teacher walked in. He pulled out the register. Please don't have my old name. Please oh please.
"Miyoshi Yazawa?" Dammit. I raised one hand.
"P-present" something flashed over his face before he finished taking the register. He proceeded to gesture for us all to head outside for some quirk tests. I waited for everyone to leave the class. Tetsutetsu was waiting by his desk, watching everyone leave the classroom. 
"Why'd he call you.... what was it again? Whatever, it wasn't what you said was your name" 
"Oh it must have been a typo. I'm going to get it fixed right now" he looked at me with a tilted head.
"Fine. I'm gonna wait outside for you" he then walked towards the door. I approached Vlad who turned to look at me.
"Oh Miura. I wasn't aware that you'd changed your name" I shook my head.
"A-actually its still Miura. Miyoshi's my dead name" I look towards my feet.
"Ah no problem. I'll be sure to use Miura then" he places one hand on my head.
"Didn't your parents put anything in to get you a boys uniform?" 
"Well they were going to but... I just don't feel like coming out yet and I know that girls wear trousers too but it might be suspicious and-" he cut me off with a hand wave.
"Its fine. Take your time. But let me know if you ever want to swap that skirt out for some trousers and I'll get it done alright kid" I nod. 
"Thanks Vlad" he smiles at me.
"Now go get ready. I expect to see you outside with the others" I nod and head towards the door. I'm jumped immediately after exiting the classroom, both of us falling to the floor. I look up and find that Tetsutetsu was now on top of me.
"Well that didn't go exactly as I had imagined it" he didn't make any move to get up so I could feel his breath against my ear.
"How were you expecting it to go? You jumped me" I snorted. He pushed his head up so we were looking at each other. His face was slightly red.
"Ok fair point" I smirk.
"You just love knocking me over don't you. That's the second time today and its not even lunch yet" His face goes darker. He sits back -although he's still on top of me- and presses the back of one hand against his mouth while he looks away. 
"So we just gonna sit here all day or can I get up?" he turns back to look at me, now realising the position we were in and quickly scrambles back. 
"That was very unmanly of me. I apologise" I wave him off.
"Its fine. I've had worse" I wave him off.
"If you're sure"
"Positive" he looks at me for a few more seconds before shrugging.
"Alright then. Let's go" he grabs my hand again, leading us towards the changing rooms. I follow, trying to keep pace this time although hard with how my wrist was being held.

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