tbh took the phone

276 22 114

soxxywoxxy has created a chat

soxxywoxxy invited tbhhontest, blazana, mewemewe and nine others.

soxxywoxxy: hello uwu

tbhhontest: what the heck

soxxywoxxy: i wanted to start a group chat :3

tbhhontest: i hate this entire group and everyone in it

blazana: aww why tbh

mewemewe: aww

mewemewe: actually i agree i hate whoever gave me this nickname

soxxywoxxy: aww!! u's don't like ur nickname :'(

engas: wh

5yearold: yknow i always find it so funny socks is all "SUP GAMERS" irl and then all "uwu" when we message

5yearold: what the heck is my nickname

mewemewe: truth

chaosincarnate: you willingly message socks???

5yearold: chaosincarnate who are you

5yearold: your name literally fits everyone here

chaosincarnate: muff

5yearold: ahh makes sense

oompie: can someone screenshot nadwe saying "uwu" and leave it without context?


furry#1: what the heck did i walk into


blazana: woolf?

furry#1: i'm guessing dino is furry#2 or something

tbhhontest: only one way to find out

tbhhontest: DINO

furry#2: yes

furry#2: frikc

soxxywoxxy: i thought it fit :""(

mewemewe: yes it does don't worry

purpleguy: guys be quiet i'm trying to ignore my phone

furry#1: ok thats tbvg

tbhhontest: can i pls leave this group

5yearold: dont

mewemewe: i thought u didnt care lol

robloxdeathsound: what

robloxdeathsound: i leave my phone for one second

5yearold: tb don't

purpleguy: ???

5yearold: other tb

purpleguy: oh

tbhhontest: ok??

juicebox: this could get confusing real fast

soxxywoxxy: oki but tbh i needs to talk to you >:3

tbhhontest: what the heck

5yearold: just do it man

tbhhontest: why do you care so much???

5yearold: that is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS

soxxywoxxy has created a chat

soxxywoxxy invited tbhhontest

tbhhontest: ok i know i missed our daily amogus yesterday but i swear that was for a good reason.

soxxywoxxy: it wasn't about that uwu

soxxywoxxy: but u should try to go to that too >m<

tbhhontest: ok???

soxxywoxxy: soos i haveto tell yous something owo

tbhhontest: tell me quickly before i block you

soxxywoxxy: i actually lOve you <3 >///w///<

tbhhontest left the chat

tbhhontest has created a chat

tbhhontest invited 5yearold

tbhhontest: nadwenadwenadwenadwenadwe

tbhhontest: wht the hck is with everyone confessing to me

5yearold changed their nickname to Nadwe

Nadwe: idk man its your problem not mine

tbhhontest changed their name to TbhHonest

TbhHonest: u literally didn't exist for 1.5 chapters u know something dont deny it

Nadwe: i will say nothing

Nadwe left the chat

my autocorrect wants to kill me in my sleep now thanks

i don't have a phone idk how group chats work all i use is discord and hangouts

this story is trying so hard to gain plot help-

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