Captain; Death DID do Us Apart [Gender Neutral]

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get ready to be semi sad bitchesssssss//

Captain's P.O.V.

I smiled to myself as I wiped away the tears that kept falling. I was at a funeral, but not just any funeral. I was at my beloved Y/N's funeral. Steve and Ted kept rubbing my back, as if to calm me down, but I couldn't. I never really cried but...

"Ah, John! There you are!" I looked up from my papers and eyed Y/N, confused. "Steve was looking for you, he had to talk to you about the meeting," they replied, shutting the door behind them. "Well, I'm tired. Let's just cuddle." "But John-" I stood up and huffed, hugging them from behind. "We're gonna take a day off, and that's final." They looked at me with a frown before shrugging. "If you say so." I smiled and rested my head on the top of theirs, relaxing.

Another boring day here in the office, filing reports and writing letters back to the higher ups. I was in the middle of writing back to the higher ups when I heard the door open, and out peeked my dumb ass Y/N, holding something in their hand. "Whatcha got there, hm?" I asked curiously, still typing away. "Ah, I found something for you," they replied, coming into the office. I was still confused until they presented to me a black and white figure which happened to look way too familiar for comfort. "Do you know what it is?" I asked. They nodded, telling me, "Yeah! Turns out you had a short series about some adventures of yours! And to market it better, figures of you came out! I found it while scouting the enemy's base." I was mind boggled. A... series about me? I let Y/N ramble on about the show, who seemed to be really passionate about this show. Y/N was always adorable, but moments where they ramble just made me feel warm and fuzzy.

I woke up to the sound of my door creaking open, and a shadowy figure appeared, closing the door quietly. "... mrhm?" I sat up, grabbing the gun on the nightstand beside my cot and aimed it at the mysterious person, nearly firing before stopping. "John, it's me! Y/N. It was cold in the barracks, and I didn't want to sleep there," they admitted. I put the gun down and held my arms out, waiting for them to climb in bed. "Mm, get in bed, cock sucker, I'm tired." Once they did, I went back to sleep, feeling only the embrace of my beloved as they hugged me tightly, smiling occasionally while I was asleep.

Our first date was just a walk around the base, and I was too busy tinkering with some guns and modifying them that Y/N watched me intensely, curious. "You know how to modify weapons?" "Hell yeah! Always tinkered with stuff as a kid, since my mom was a mechanic. She taught me all I needed to know to mess with stuff. You wanna try?" Almost immediately they shut down the idea. "No. I don't want to modify something that's dangerous, Cap." "Ah, come on now, pip squeak. I told ya, you don't need to call me Cap! Just call me John!" It reminded, giving them a wide smile. "Nah, I'll call you a cock head instead," they smiled back, ruffling my hair.

"Y/N, you're staying with me. I can't risk losing you!" I cried out, embracing them tightly. We had just gotten word that the enemy was attacking, and Y/N wanted to go fight. "John, please. I'll be fine, I promise. This is what I trained for, right?" They smiled wearily, planting a kiss on my lips. "We have to go and fight. We're fighting for each other. We're fighting for our soldiers out there. We have a job." I hesitantly nodded, loosening my grip. "Right... right. I... I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose you. You matter too much to me."

And then the fight began. I don't remember much, but I remember that Steve, Y/N and I were in the tank, firing at the enemy's base. One second, we were winning, and then the next, gunshots were heard. Obviously they would be, considering the war and all, but those gunshots were too close for comfort. "Steve, get out of the way!" I heard Y/N yell. Steve fell onto the inside of the tank, safe from damage, but the same couldn't be said about Y/N. I peeked out, and what I saw horrified me for the rest of my life. My dear significant other.... dead. I was mortified. Who wouldn't be?

"No... no... no it can't be..." I whispered to myself, feeling myself choke up. I couldn't believe it. I genuinely couldn't. 8 years in the military and dating for 5 years.. Y/N was gone. Just like that. Tears were forming, before I told Steve to take control of the tank while I picked up Y/N's corpse and ran. I ran past the bullets and missiles being fired, making way for the infirmary. "Someone help me! Anyone!" A medic ran up to me, concerned. "Please... help them!" I motioned to Y/N, and he nodded, calling for nurses to help carry off my love.

As soon as I left the infirmary, I grabbed my walkie talkie. "Ted, call in an air strike. NOW!" "Captain, it's too dangerous!" "Call it on the enemy's base, then we can focus on getting them out. We need that base DESTROYED." "Ten four." I radioed Steve to retreat and watched as the bombers started dropping bombs on the enemy's base. All hell broke out.

... all the memories flooding through my mind at once made it painful. I was never going to see my idiot, the one who tripped on a rock, the one I let ramble about their special interests, the one I let cry on my shoulder if needed to. The one I let break into my room to sleep in my bed, the one who brought me so many figures, the one I truly cared for. I would never see them again. Ever. It finally clicked, and I cried harder, clenching the rose I had in my hand tighter. When the casket was lowered, I took out something from my pocket; the very first letter I had written to Y/N as their secret admirer from six years ago. I dropped the black rose, watching it fall on top of the other flowers that were thrown just moments prior. Once it reached the bottom, I dropped the letter and gave a final sad smile, whispering, "I'll always love you, my beloved Y/N."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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