This story is about looking love in the eye, and death in the heart. Beyond the mask of a trained assassin, one's view of the world twists itself in intangible ways. Drunk on sip after sip of a smooth, hard whiskey laced with the hard high of a blin...
If you've made it here intact, congratulations for making it out alive! Thank you for reading this short and angsty and kinda depressing story!
Multiple people have worked on this project, so we hope that this amalgamation of voices comes together in a coherent way that showcases our diverse writing habits, personalities, and views on frankly polarising topics. Each of us worked really hard, and all of us hope that you enjoyed whatever we unceremoniously dumped on the table.
We decided on an open ending, even though the ending is really sad no matter how you imagine it, but! It's open to your imagination to interpret how sad the ending gets. Through this story, we hoped to give light to how justice isn't always just and sometimes making the right choice never rights things, making the right choice isn't always an available option.
Individual salutations from the 4 writers:
trash [Zoey]: YEEHAW hope you had a funass ride, ciAo
yunie [Caylen|Cyn]: thank you for sitting down and taking the time to read our story! i hope that we were successful in bringing a larger message across to readers, be it through this ragtag little fic. it's not perfect, but it's a soft shout using our own voices and i sincerely hope it carries across and impacts you as much as it has opened my own eyes to some ways of the world. to be honest, this started with a crack prompt for a gang au (??!?) and i'm really proud of what it's come to! once again, thank you so much for staying til the end of our little drabble! please remember to stay hydrated, take care of yourself and remember that you're special in this world. <3
thisguy [Daw]: we hope you enjoyed our show. this story explores themes of morality through the different assassin characters we created, and i am so glad i had such an amazing group of friends to discuss it with in a lighthearted yet mature way. thus, i hope that we did this topic justice, and we were able to bring out the humanity in who we'd consider as inhumane. and more importantly, i hope it implores you to think about these themes, and form your own views and perceptions about it. good grief its 3am. anyways, it was a blast writing this, thank you so so so much for reading, and i hope you got something out of it. stay safe, stay alive, dont sleep as late as i do. take care :>>
Darren [Jeff]: Um yeah so I wrote this 5 months late and got scolded at least 20 times but I finally wrote it!!! Anyways to the anonymous reader reading this, i hope u had fun! Will we be writing again? Probably who knows lmao. Anyways, the feeder of the group who didn't do much shall sign off here. Adios. P.S i got 7 grammatical errors in this chunk of authors note. i mean 8 including grammatical
*descends building*
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