Part 6

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Froggy added 5 people to Dekusquad

Innocence: wtf is this nickname

KatyPerrysLoveChild: it pretty much is u

Floaty Bitch: yeah Deku-kun

Dad: I don't quite agree with that statement

Froggy: I don't either ribbit

Mom: neither do I

Innocence: I thank all of u who know that this ain't me

Floaty Bitch: anyway, I asked Tsu to make this gc because I have some question that I need to ask

KatyPerrysLoveChild: then ask away

Floaty Bitch: what is everybody's sexuality? I'm straight

Innocence: LE GASP! I'm bisexual

Dad: queer

Froggy: queer

Mom: lesbian

KatyPerrysLoveChild: gay. I totally would have thought Midoriya straight

Dad: I as well, sorry for assuming

Froggy: u can obviously tell he's not straight

Mom: he's very much so anything but straight

Innocence: awwwww! Thx guys! and no worries Iida

Floaty Bitch: Question 2

Innocence: when did this become 20 questions?

Dad: I don't know

Floaty Bitch: do u guys have a crush on, like, or are dating anyone? I like someone

Innocence: I'm dating someone

Mom: I as well

Froggy: I like someone

Dad: I am crushing on someone

KatyPerrysLoveChild: I like 2 people

Floaty Bitch: wow Todoroki

Innocence: well, if they aren't already in a relationship, go get em

KatyPerrysLoveChild: okay. Iida I like you

Dad  logged off

Innocence: that was...

Froggy: unexpected

Mom: sweet yet weird, confusing, and oddly timed

Innocence: yeah, those

KatyPerrysLoveChild: guys he ran to my room and is at the door. what do I do?

Innocence: let him in and hope he loves u back

Froggy: Midoriya don't be so rude

Floaty Bitch: get ur lover Todoroki!

KatyPerrysLoveChild sent 1 image

Innocence: damn Todoroki! ur getting right down to business!

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Innocence: damn Todoroki! ur getting right down to business!

KatyPerrysLoveChild logged off

Floaty Bitch: and there's one more healthy relationship for Class 1-A

Froggy: now u just have to help Midoriya and Bakugo become friends again ribbit

Innocence: oh, I have to go, my lover is calling. Bye!

Froggy: bye Midoriya

Mom: farewell

Floaty Bitch: see u later Deku-kun

Everyone logged off

Real World

"Hey baby boy. How are you doing?" Katsuki asks his lover over the phone. "I'm doing good. How about you darling?" Izuku replies. "Just fine. Your mom called me," Katsuki said, his voice quivering. "What did she say?" I ask, getting worried. "We're meeting your dad for lunch tomorrow. Their letting him say goodbye before they execute him," Katsuki says.

Izuku freezes where he's standing. "Your mom called me because she wasn't sure how you'd react, and she's not allowed to say no, or she would have," Katsuki continues. "Do you want to come over?" "Can I please?" Izuku asks. "Of course, baby boy. I'll always be here for you," Katsuki replies. They hang up and Izuku, melancholy and emotionless, makes his way down the hallways to Katsuki's room.

Everyone he passes in the hallway stares at him with worry, as they have never seen him like this. Izuku finally makes it to Katsuki's room. He doesn't even knock, just walks in. "Come here baby boy," Katsuki says. Izuku walks over to Katsuki's bed and lays beside him. "I love you and will do everything in my power make sure nothing like that ever happens to you again," Katsuki tells him. "Thank you Kaachan, and I love you, too," Izuku says. Soon, both boys are fast asleep in the other's embrace.

Elsewhere, someone is plotting an evil scheme, working to ruin the lives of this happy couple and everyone around them. "I'll get you back for what you've done to me you worthless brat. Just you wait. You'll regret the day you decided to cross me."

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