Chapter 1

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Lily's pov
So I just got excluded for being bad but I don't really care if I'm honest but I'm more scared of what my mum will do to me hopefully nothing too bad.
My mum has just picked me up and said she's gonna think of what to do with Me oh no it can't be that bad can it we'll have to wait and see

Later that night:
*Lily's in her room when her mum shouted downstairs*
Mum: Lily come downstairs I need to tell you something
Lily: coming mum
*She goes down*
Lily: yeah mum
Mum: Your going to go live with your brother because you've gone and got yourself expelled
Lily: but 3hat about you your gonna be all alone
Mum: I'll be fine Lily go pack your bags your going tomorrow morning
Lily: finee
*Goes and starts to pack*
Lily's packing when she get a message from someone
*checks her phone and sees its from jaden*

Jay: hey lil sis heard you coming to stay with us
Lily: hey Jay and yeah I'll tell you what happend Tomorrow when I see you
Jay: okay lil get some sleep you have a big day tomorrow
Lily: okay bye Jay love you
Jay: love you to bye

*End of texts*
After Lily finished texting she finished packing and went to bed

Next morning:

Lily wakes up at 4am to catch her flight so she got up went and had a shower and got dressed in this

Lily wakes up at 4am to catch her flight so she got up went and had a shower and got dressed in this

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So she was comfy for her plane ride.

She got all of her stuff together then ordered the uber she put a letter to her mum because she was still asleep and then the uber turned up so she got In it and went off to the airport.

45 minutes later:                                       
Lily made it to the airport when and gave her suitcases in and then went to go get Starbucks. After she got her Starbucks her plane got called so she made over to it and texted jaden that she was about to board the plane.

On the plane:                                             
Shes just got onto the plane and she put her airpods in,put her music on and fell asleep

When's shes landed:                               
The lady on the plane woke her up to tell her she has landed

Lily: oh sorry thank you                       
Lady: oh it doesn't matter have a good time.
Lily: Thank you                                     

After that she texted jaden saying she's landed and she's getting her bags.

She went and got her bags and was waiting for jaden when she saw him and ran up to him and hugged him so tight.
Lily: OMG Jay I missed you so much
Jay: I missed you too little one         
* she went to get her bags when they weren't there* she turned back around to see Josh who was like a second brother to her there

She ran up and hugged him
Josh: hey angel (his nickname for her)

They headed home

A/n I'll update soon byeee luvs

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