4: I Jumped...

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She did it

She jumped

All she could see while falling was the sky and people below her screaming. then everything went black.

She slowly opened her eyes, and when she woke up she saw a white ceiling and bright white lights. Once her eyes adjusted to the brightness she looked around her, she was in a hospital. Through the window she could see he parents hugging each other and crying, she saw lots of heads but couldn't really tell who they were.

"Hello" a sweet voice said, she turned around and saw a woman, she had light brown hair a little below her shoulders, she had light green eyes.

"H-hi" she stuttered, she tried to sit up but she couldn't move, her whole body hurt.

"My name Is Clara" she began "Do you know how you ended up here?" she asked, Marinette nodded "I-I jumped" she said sadly

"yes...why? your such a beautiful young girl, why would you do it?" The lady asked

"I guess i was just mad, sad...depressed"

"oh, I get it" she said "You know...I was also depressed when I was around your age" she said, that got Marinette's attention and listen closely 

"But, someone helped me, someone very special" she said "And now I myself help kids who are depressed" They talked for a while, Marinette told her how she felt and what had happened. The lady also shared some of her stories with her. In the end she felt much better. after maybe a hour of talking they heard tapping on the window, when they turned around she saw her whole class.

They were all smiling and looked like they had been crying...but someone caught her eye...she couldn't believe it. Lila Rossi, Lila was standing outside with a bouquet of flowers mouthing something that looked to be 'sorry'. Then a doctor came in and asked me if i wanted to see them.

"yes, but not all of them" I said, the doctor looked at her confused "only the brown haired girl with olive green eyes, her name is Lila" she said, the doctor nodded.

"Lila" the doctor called "The patient would like to see you" Adrien's heart skipped a beat, Lila? why would Marinette want to see Lila. he looked through the window and saw them talking, they all did, they were all confused. After 30 minutes of them talking Marinette started crying and opened her arms and Lila went in for a hug. 

After about half an hour of Lila explaining and apologizing Marinette told her she wasn't completely ready to forgive her, that she needed time, and then maybe they could be friends. But they still hugged and she left happy. Then the doctor let everyone in. They all ran to her and hugged her, asking her how she felt, why she did it, and what her and Lila discussed. she didn't answer, she didn't really listen to her parents when they were talking, all she knew was that they were yelling at her. 

"MARINETTE YOU COULD HAVE DIED!" her father yelled

"so what If i did" she answered, finally making eye contact with them, the class looked at her in shock

"YOU ARE IN HUGE TROUBLE YOU KNOW THAT!? AFTER YOU GET OUT YOU WILL BE TAKEN TO A MENTAL HEALTH SCHOOL!" Her mother yelled, Marinette just shrugged not really caring, it's not like it was going to make a difference.

"ma'am your daughter has been suffering through depression! and none of you were there for her! I suggest you at least try to understand!" Clara said

"Thank you Clara" Marinetee said smiling at her, Clara smiled back and nodded

"Yes, I'm sorry sweetie its just...i was scared of loosing you" Her father said, but she didn't answer. Her parents and friends came to the hospital everyday for visiting hours. 

After being in the hospital for about a week or so all her bruises were cured, but instead of going home they took her to a mental health place, she would be staying there for three days and then back home. As they arrived her parents Adrien, Nino, and Alya were there to say there goodbyes.

"We will see you Thursday" They said as they waved her goodbye

This is the start of something new


Thank you guys for reading! I am really looking forward to writing the next chapters! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Have a nice day! <3

Thank you guys for reading! I am really looking forward to writing the next chapters! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Have a nice day! <3

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