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it had been a couple of weeks since jaemin was turned into a vampire and he's now developed all his skills. His fangs were able to grow from their little stubs and he learned how to bring them out on command. with jeno under the same roof as him, he learned the vampire way and learned how to defend himself if he was ever attacked. he was just like jeno now, hiding under a hoodie and escaping from the public at any chance.

over time jisung had started to grow suspicious of the two and they decided that it was best for jisung to know so that they could protect him better. the youngest boy was a little freaked at first but knew that his two close friends would never hurt him and just wanted to keep him safe. he even asked if he could be turned too but after lots of talking, his want was turned down.

Jeno and jaemin decided to discontinue with school until they were safe again. this decision came after a run in with juyeon in the football field. they were safest at jaemins house where there was now a small fence that only the two and jisung knew the access combination to and after all, vampires do need to be invited in.

Over the weeks the boys had spent together, they grew closer and realized that the feelings they felt for each other was called love. jeno fell in love with jaemin and jaemin fell in love with jeno. They both spent all their time with each other and were inseparable, it was bound to happen any time.

it was an obvious fact that they loved each other, even jisung could see it but they still haven't confessed their love for each other. they knew it was there but neither of them have just stepped up and done it, they were too busy thinking of protecting each other to say that they love each other.

they showed their love through actions. jeno slept in jaemins bed and cuddled him all night. he would give jaemin the tightest back hugs while the latter cooked them their meals. they'd greet each other with morning hugs and kisses. gosh did they love giving each other kisses even if they were just on the head, but they did give each other occasional lip kisses and pecks. but still, the words didn't come out easy until jeno finally got the confidence to say something.

the two were currently cuddling on the couch in the living room while watching a movie. jeno was too distracted by jaemins hair to give a crap about what was on.

"nana?" he hummed out while running a hand through the youngers hair.

"mm yes nono?" jaemin turned to look at jeno while the older gave a chuckle towards the new nickname he grew fond of.

"you know, every time i'm with you i get this weird feeling in my gut." the younger frowned slightly at the words thinking that it was something bad but jeno just kept on smiling.

"i know what that feeling is now...it's love nana, i love you.." the frown that was previously on jaemins face turned into a smile as he hugged jeno closer to his body.

"nono i get that feelings too, i- i love you too!" jeno sighed in relief then gave jaemin a soft kiss on his lips, happy that the younger returned the feelings he felt.

"you know what this means." jaemin sat up and looked down at jeno who still had his arms around his waist, giving the younger a hum in response.

"you need to ask me out~" he sang while poking jenos chest, the older only laughed and nodded.

"yes i do so~ na jaemin, will you be my boyfriend?" jaemin put his finger to his chin to act like he was thinking when they both knew what his answer was gonna be.

"i'd love to be your boyfriend!" he responded while looking at jeno who then pulled the smaller boy on top of him, they both gave a little laugh at the cringey moment before capturing each other's lips in a soft kiss, pulling away not too long after.

"i'll protect you with my life na jaemin." jeno whispered in his ear as the boy laid his head down on his boyfriends chest. the movie being long long long forgotten.


aha we got a cheesy confession chapter~ theyre finally together and i'm starting to get a little bit of motivation to write. i'll still probably only update weekly but i'm trying to get all my ideas down before they disappear. this story isn't the best but i feel like it could get better idk

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